Holy Moley Caroline!

CarolineOh said:
Christa, I am deeply moved that you felt compelled to urge everyone to read my account, and I am touched by your own reaction to it. In a very short time, you have become a true and valued friend. I promise I will not tease you for crying.
Dixi, Willow, thank you, dear ladies, for your praise. This was not something I wanted to write, but something I felt I needed to write. I am truly honored by your kind words.

It is a wonderful story that is very hard to read. It reminds me that we almost lost you Caroline, and that would have been a tragedy indeed. I hope that writing the story helps you heal. The mind is always slower than the body. We love you!

Caroline. I think it's an understatement to say everyone wishes you never had to go through such a horrible event. However, in reading such a beautiful account of such a painful experience I think you've shown us just how valuable life is.

I will recall your pain, and bravery when life throws stupid things at me that I would normaly upset me. I will be stronger for it.

Thank you for sharing not only your pain but your heart.
I have no words to tell you all how proud i am of my girl. If I had half her strength I would accord myself a Superman.
But also I want to say how proud I am to have met you people here, and how grateful I am to all of you. Many times it was this group of people posting here who kept Caroline's spirits high through her worst days.

She is a treasure to all of us and I promise you all that I will love her and cherish her as best as I can for all my days.
Caroline, your story was wonderful and well-written. I'm glad to see that you've faced down your demons and won.
Here on this thread is Caroline's true heart, not in the untruths and distortions said about her.

I am so disappointed that our stay here has turned so sour.
MotorCitySam said:
Here on this thread is Caroline's true heart, not in the untruths and distortions said about her.

I am so disappointed that our stay here has turned so sour.

I do not know why people disagreeing with each other is so hard to take. We all can't agree all the time.

I am at a loss and have no idea what is happening. But I did not realize that Caroline was affected.
Caroline, i've tried to read your story on several occasions, but i haven't been able to finish it yet. I feel as if i'm invading your space, it's so powerful.

I'm so very glad there's a happy ending for you and Sam.
MzChrista said:
This is the only time EVER I gonna let you know I cried.
Just everybody go read OK


Well MzC,...I got down to:

"I wanted my life back, in whole, without the blackness that had moved into it's
corners, and I knew that to get it I had one task before me. I had set out one
May morning to run to the end of the Strand, and I needed to complete my run."

Then I cried also!
Takes a tough guy to admit it

Caroline could give us BOTH a lesson in sheer BALLS, if i may be so crude.

You are all so kind, I thank you with all my heart.
MG, I understand your feeling. I wrote of this experience, submitted it, and then freaked out because I felt like I had left myself torn open in front of the worls. Dr Blue and Willow can tell you that, I made them both read it in the wee small hours to reassure me it was OK to put this out there for people to read.
But the response I have gotten has been an incredible affirmation. So I am honored that you all would go on the run with me. Bless you all.:rose:
Re: Takes a tough guy to admit it

DRxBlue said:
Caroline could give us BOTH a lesson in sheer BALLS, if i may be so crude.


errrrrrrr, Blue, sweetie.
I think you ought to moderate your language when using that particulr AV. Unless you were talking footballs or something :D