Home of the Fallen

Happy Belated birthday then. I didn't know that it was your birthday or else I would have said something before.
"Really cannot know till it is told, correct? Regardless, belated birthday, and miss you!"

A hint of a pout, a pure white rose on the couch.

I pop up behind her, pouncing and licking at her neck, nibbling happily.
I smile back and wink, grinning as I move a finger to play with a strand of her hair.

"Hey yourself... What would the birthday girl like besides the rose~?"
I smile and hop back into Sakura's lovely place, smiling as I look around for her.
I smile and hug her back, a gentle growl there at the kiss to my neck, kissing hers back.

"Morning to you as well... How are you doing?"
"I am okay, just waiting for some people to join my demon thread so I can get it started. Its final fantasy mixed in with fantasy life.Sadly not many found it interesting" she hugs her close placing her breasts against Tala's
A soft look there, I hug her close and snug as I smile, stroking a hand through her hair as my cloak softly stirred.

"I shall take a look at it... Might end up liking it~"
I smiled deeply then, a light grin there, nodding.

"Sounds wonderful... Shall I find a pic and make a profile?"
"Of course you can sweety, take your time"

She kisses her lips and then noms her neck a little
I smile happily and blink, squeaking as I squirmed at the nomming, giggling.
My smile is soft, purring as I tilted my head to the side.

"As is yours... Tho I keep my fangs away from it, get far too nippy..."
"fangs eh?" she said as she licks her neck slowly up and down tasting her smooth skin."how could you ever keep this from me"
I smiled deeply and shivered, a soft groan there as my head tilted to the side for her.

"I am no vampire... Can't be one, I have too much wolf blood within me... But my wolf half gives me fangs..."
"Such beautiful fangs they are,may I lick them with my tongue?" she said blushing holding her close
I blinked, blushing deeply as she asked... Softly kissing her, parting my lips as an answer, looping my arms softly around her waist.
I smile and blush softly as well, quivering as she licks so tenderly, eyes closed in a soft pleasure at the feeling.