Honesty in moderation

Is this the part where I get to point out that I was right all along about Cym ?
Lancecastor said:
Is this the part where I get to point out that I was right all along about Cym ?

i have a feeling they cut that part out of the script
Lancecastor said:
Is this the part where I get to point out that I was right all along about Cym ?

For the record, you were right all along about cym.
Lancecastor said:
Thankfully, I'm not one to gloat.

ok i am not going to get into this, though i would like nothing better but i have kept my fingers off the keyboard in the past and so i shall do again
Hey, according to the "registered" dates, I've been here longer than cymbidia. Interesting.

But please, please, everybody just shut the hell up. I promise I won't cry "censorship!" if this thread gets closed. :rolleyes:
Netzach said:

It's a *fine* place to hang out, i_d.

Personally, I'm as I say I am which is how I think I am, anyway.

I'm sure you are too. However if I found out you were also posting as miss-sub-kitten69

I doubt it would ruin a moment of my life.

In fact, I might high five you, or ask you out.

Cool! That's one of the things I like about you Netzach; you always open my mind to new options: I can either sub up and go out on a date, or ignore you in a parking station and risk rape.

Choices, choices :p
Miss T - I hope it's clear that the community supports your right to privacy and exploration, as well as appreciates your moderation and contribution to the forum. This isn't the Oval Office and your name isn't Clinton - no need for the televised hearings.

Hoping to see you soon. :rose:

It's too bad the forum isn't a pay-per-view at times like this. The Cymbidia and Lance & entourage Show Down... down, down, down - The Grudge Masters Reunited - Monster Fucks - WORD War III! Let's Rrrrrrrrrumble!!!

*Changes the channel*
lark sparrow said:
Miss T - I hope it's clear that the community supports your right to privacy and exploration, as well as appreciates your moderation and contribution to the forum. This isn't the Oval Office and your name isn't Clinton - no need for the televised hearings.

Hoping to see you soon. :rose:

It's too bad the forum isn't a pay-per-view at times like this. The Cymbidia and Lance & entourage Show Down... down, down, down - The Grudge Masters Reunited - Monster Fucks - WORD War III! Let's Rrrrrrrrrumble!!!

*Changes the channel*

Who would get the money?
well i am new here but i have 1st hand knowledge of this situation .... Miss Taken is a wonderful person ...... i have known her for 2 years now have met her and spent time with her ..... but wheather she is a switch or not or wants to is up to her ..... seems to me shes expanging her horizons and whats wrong with that ...... she doesnt desrve this treatment by cym ..... no one does .... it seems to me if any one goes it should by cym not Miss T ....... Master Bill
Ebonyfire said:
Sure you have, this is just like old times.
I've been around since early-ish 2002...& yes, I know what my register date says...*grin*....I lurked a lot) I must have missed what ever happened _ tho i have read many of the old library threads....
point is....
Why even bring it up? old news and all that is my thinking...
(& imho)
[brief hijack]
*waiving hi to Eb* glad U are back. i've missed your posts.
[/end brief hijack]
Last edited:
Note: The 'outing' Miss T thread is removed at its source at KT.
Presumably it was an embarrassment to that community.

Miss T, of course, cannot delete this thread without seeming defensive over nothing, but hopefully its embarrassment to all of us will lead to its neglect and demise.

lady-kat said:
I've been around since early-ish 2002...& yes, I know what my register date says...*grin*....I lurked a lot) I must have missed what ever happened _ tho i have read many of the old library threads....
point is....
Why even bring it up? old news and all that is my thinking...
(& imho)
[brief hijack]
*waiving hi to Eb* glad U are back. i've missed your posts.
[/end brief hijack]

Hi back at ya, lady-kat! Spring is here and the time is right for dancing in the street! That means I am away from the computer causing general mayhem wherever I can!
Ebonyfire said:
Hi back at ya, lady-kat! Spring is here and the time is right for dancing in the street! !

Spring is long gone. Looking forward to fresh veggies.
Pure said:
Note: The 'outing' Miss T thread is removed at its source at KT.
Presumably it was an embarrassment to that community.


What thread?