How’s your “Gaydar”

I believe mine is broken. I am entirely open to meeting someone randomly but it just never seems to happen.
"Gaydar" is far less important than your ability to engage in meaningful verbal and nonverbal communication IRL.
Gaydar? I have absolutely none. I suck at situational awareness when it comes to flirting, signs, signals, getting hit on or pick ups; men or woman. You literally have to hit me over the head for me to have an "ah ah" moment. If there were any guys who gave me a sign I know I missed them. I know one particular time I completely missed the sign only by finding out later about it.
For those of us who are on the down low it's difficult. The guy I sucked last week was a regular looking local guy - and he said he'd have never known I was a cocksucker. Only really well groomed guys make me wonder. All the rest, I only hope about.
What are some the tell-tale signs I should be looking out for?....either to know I'm getting hit on or things 'gaydar' should be detecting???
What are some the tell-tale signs I should be looking out for?....either to know I'm getting hit on or things 'gaydar' should be detecting???
As far as knowing when a man is interested in you, there's one sign which is probably more reliable than any other single sign other than a direct verbal come-on, and that's: Lots of eye contact when he's not talking to you.

Among Western men, eye contact while talking is normal. Prolonged or repeated eye contact while not talking or not doing some other task which requires it - that's not the social norm, except to the extent that men flirting with men is a social norm. So if you notice a lot of direct eye contact from a man who isn't presently talking to you or hasn't spoken to you yet, that's a strong sign that he's checking you out.

Beyond that, if you want to develop your gaydar to the point where you can just tell someone's gay, find a way to hang around with a lot of different men who you already know are gay. That's how to get a sense of what gay men are like so you can recognize it in a stranger.
Mine is non-existent. I've been clueless about a lot of guys I knew (coworkers etc) who I late found out were gay.

And although I'd been curious for some time, I've not had any guys hit on me (at least not that I'm aware of)
Mine is non-existent. I've been clueless about a lot of guys I knew (coworkers etc) who I late found out were gay.

And although I'd been curious for some time, I've not had any guys hit on me (at least not that I'm aware of)
Even though I'm on the down low, I'm half tempted to go to a gay bar just to see if any guys would hit on me
I don’t need a Gaydar, I am a gay cock magnet. No matter where I go, bulls and Doms around me in an instant, like the proverbial ‘flies round a shit pit’.
I have never had a radar. I can’t tell if someone’s just being nice, fucking with me, or flirting with me. I tend to hope on the later, but I’m usually wrong
Yes it's probably best to err on the side of caution because if you're wrong ummm it'll be embarrassing or worse get punched in the face 🙄!?!? I usually take it as him being a good guy and being nice that's all.

I was at the gym the other day and I thought a guy was being " friendly " with me and I did want to kind push it along and flirt but I'm such a chicken. I have a game plan the next time i see him at the gym so we'll see?!? My gaydar has been long out of commission but there's other ways to drop subtle hints.
Mine must be faulty. I have met with a number of men after chatting with them on line. If we had not chatted I would have no idea any of them were interested in gay sex. All were bi, most were married so they were not stereotypical guys.

Perhaps us bi married mem are good at hiding our desire for gay sex. When I came out to my wife she said she had no idea I was sexually attracted to men.

I see guys in public that seem to be gay, but since I have not approached them for sex I can't be sure I am not getting false positives.
Mine must be faulty. I have met with a number of men after chatting with them on line. If we had not chatted I would have no idea any of them were interested in gay sex. All were bi, most were married so they were not stereotypical guys.

Perhaps us bi married mem are good at hiding our desire for gay sex. When I came out to my wife she said she had no idea I was sexually attracted to men.

I see guys in public that seem to be gay, but since I have not approached them for sex I can't be sure I am not getting false positives.
Your poor pussy cat. Why are you holding back. Become a cock magnet, by getting what you want by being yourself. All your whimpering makes me want to puke. Why? Well, I was just you. Making excuses for my inadequacies, trying to find false reasons for my anal sexual lust failures. Learn from me. I decided one day, many years ago to kick all my fears, inadequacies and excuses down the plug hole. I saw a guy I fancied, got talking, told him what I was and what I wanted. And Bob’s your Uncle, I had his cock in my 👄 and soon after this, I was moaning and squealing as he stretched my rosebud 💐ball deep. Be a Slut, and be courageous and get your rosebud well attended to.
Yes it's probably best to err on the side of caution because if you're wrong ummm it'll be embarrassing or worse get punched in the face 🙄!?!? I usually take it as him being a good guy and being nice that's all.

I was at the gym the other day and I thought a guy was being " friendly " with me and I did want to kind push it along and flirt but I'm such a chicken. I have a game plan the next time i see him at the gym so we'll see?!? My gaydar has been long out of commission but there's other ways to drop subtle hints.
What is your game plan? You know it will crumble and you will simper again about how it didn’t work out. Well, I will tell you, when I see a guy I fancy. I get talking feckin trivia, and I let it drop into the conversation, I am lonely and would, if he was inclined, to come back to my gaff, for some tea and cake. This gives him a slap in his testicles if he is interested in stretching my rosebud. If he isn’t he’ll always decline, and not punch my feckin face in. It’s all infantile excuses and reasons why you haven’t been ravished and ploughed with a good sized cock. Show some fortitude, be ambitious and get screaming and moaning as a man gives your rosebud a good ball deep stretching.
My Gaydar has been pretty reliable over the years, my wife worked with 2 guys that she had insisted were straight men since one was married and the other she said no way. Within 2 minutes of meeting them I knew they were not only both gay but they were a couple which I told her on the way home, she told me I was crazy. Well in less than 3 months the married one left his wife and they began divorce proceedings and the two announced the were a couple to her.

Another friend of mine was married to his wife and came over to introduce her, after they left I told my wife she was a lesbian and she told me I was nuts they were married for 20 years a few months later she told him she wanted a divorce telling him she was in love with her girlfriend which btw she was seeing for 18 years after guess what she had broken up with her former girlfriend of 5 years. So when us to talk about it he told us of her infidelities during their entire marriage so I guess I called that one right.

In my younger days before dating girls and finding I was bi and not gay I could almost always find the 1 or 2 gay guys in the crowd hooking up with a few.
Mine has only worked a couple of times. I'm like the other guys that would have to be slapped in the face with his cock.
I don't think I have one lol. Never been with a man but have found out that some men I talk to were gay or bi and possibly even hitting on me and I never knew it lol.

Ok this might seem like a funny question! 😂

But as I continue my self exploration, I have noticed that some guys sometimes look at me differently. 👀

I wonder if some can tell that I bi, that I have these deep desires to serve and please them.

What are your thoughts? Just my imagination?

Non existent…. I have no gaydar and I cannot, for the life of me, put out a ‘vibe’ that attracts gay men who may be attracted to me in any way. It’s frustrating:)