How did you discover your kink?

As I learned more and more about the kinky side of sex, an undeniable strong urge from within made me want to experiment with each one. I have embraced most of them.
Alcohol 🍻🍺

Helped to remove predefined boundaries and limits that had been established by my upbringing...and then once the first crack in the dam all soon came crashing down!

I find out I am into BDSM right here on Lit 16 years ago. Had a looong break from all this ignoring my needs. These days I finaly live it and must say I never been happier than when I am with my Dominant and we do all those things we usualy do together. Can't believe I wasted so many years denying myself from something I need and crave so badly.
I find out I am into BDSM right here on Lit 16 years ago. Had a looong break from all this ignoring my needs. These days I finaly live it and must say I never been happier than when I am with my Dominant and we do all those things we usualy do together. Can't believe I wasted so many years denying myself from something I need and crave so badly.
My wife died suddenly, and I discovered Lit, and then other sites.
Two ways I discovered my foot fetish. One was watching From Dusk Til Dawn when he drinks (vodka? whiskey? beer? Idk) from her foot as she pours it down her leg. The other was, when my wife and I were dating, she would lay on the couch with her feet in my lap. The people she lived with never said anything about it, and her foot would "accidentally" graze my hard cock
I had a friend, a therapist, after the second visit we had to stop as we hit it off right away. She opened my eyes on my sexuality.
Went from very very prude to hanging out with a group of people that made sex a lot more "normal" I guess that I had viewed it, a lot more natural maybe. From there explored my sexuality a lot with them and with others, and from there got on the internet and just started looking EVERYTHING up haha. All this way way later in life than I think most do.
I had told the woman that I was dating that I would try anything once at least. I had given it to her up the ass a few times. After the last time, she told me she wanted to strap it on and fuck me. I reluctantly agreed. She filmed us while she banged my asshole with a strapon roughly the size of me...7 inches. It hurt a lot and she went at me for a good twenty minutes or more. I found out then that I liked both pain and getting it in the ass.
[Content removed per forum rules. No discussion of underage sexuality is allowed at this site.]
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Watched my very recent GF in college getting fucked by someone else..a pleasure and pain thing for me. Yes I jerked so I guess the pleasure won out
I'd love to chat with you about your experience with your GF getting fucked by someone else.
I was a late bloomer, like I was 20 before I came from anything other than a wet dream LOL. My wife at the time, who was my first everything used sex as a weapon, so not having any experiences previous to her and having that, it took a bit to warm up to finding out what I liked.

I was lucky enough to have had several women after my divorce help me find out just how kinky I could be, which I am sure they influenced me into liking too as they loved being used, degraded and humiliated. The first time one of them asked me to slap them, I felt like I had an innie wiener haha I was so flustered. Now though, I know what I like and I love giving others what they like too, in that dynamic.

Great question and answers