How did you guys find your genre or niche or any topic at all....

Just a quick question. Why do you think men find older woman attractive or beautiful. I know it is a preference and stuff. Do you think them knowing there is difference of age something or it is just they are more mature in their behavior?
For me even though a young woman is usually more physically beautiful, an older woman doesn't fumble around and doesn't require as much convincing. She either in or she's out and if she's already in your bed she's going to know exactly what to do. There's also something poetic about a beautiful older woman.
I write based on my own fantasies, the impossible ones for now, but will soon branch out to E/V, bdsm and incest (strictly siblings, no cross-generation). Most of this comes from either pure fantasy or a certain what-if, based on own experiences.

A few years ago, I witnessed a ‘marilyn monroe moment’, where a young student’s dress got caught in the wind and have me a full view of her bottom half, navel to sandals. Sadly, there were white cotton panties present too, but I can still see them if I close my eyes. What if… and so on.
I think I could write a few chapters on my various what