How do I find a a guy to suck

Try living in Northern Iowa. I have to drive 40 mins or more to get to Walmart, let alone anywhere decent to hang out. There are places around Des Moines but I live 2½ hours north. There's really not much activity around me.
I bet you have a Home Depot and that the bathrooms see a lot of action.

Easy enough to find out: Get on and see if the Home Depot has a lot of profiles going there. If you register (costs nothing), you can even see it on the map when guys aren’t actually there and you can see when they’re going to be there.
I have a neighbor who lives alone and never had any kind partners that I know of and I bet he could use a blowjob bad. I have a feeling if I approached him he might go for it but I'm just too nervous to cross that line. Any pointers?
I would assess if he's a loner, or doesn't mind company. Either stop by to say hello, or find a reason to talk to him, find out his interests. If you get to hang out find out his sense of humor, maybe tell him a couple dirty jokes, see how he reacts. By now I'd think you'd have figured out if he's going to kick your ass or Some how get to talking about porn or something, naughty, if he bites, ask him what he likes as far as porn recommendations. See if he wants to watch some with you. I don't know your location, but if I did any of this in my small town, I'd be openly ridiculed, but if you're both away from family, friends, then the risk is not as great as asking your neighbor to suck his cock, and he tells half the town. If we were both detached from the area, you could mive so much faster. That's just how I would.