How do you deal with the sound of a child being spanked?

sunfox said:
Yes, good idea. Yanking a child away from something so they only suffer a dislocated arm is far better than a slap on the back of the hand. I'll do that next time. :rolleyes:

Seriously, whatever works for you is your thing. But I'll raise my child how I see fit. I'm not going to yank my baby around when no, and a little smack if she keeps at it, will work just fine. Nor would I advocate yanking a child speedily away from a loose dog, for the record. If you really want to excite the urge to attack in an animal, try moving quickly. Trust me... that'll do the trick.

Then you'll both be sporting a lovely selection of stitches.

Either way, being insulting of how I raise my child is hardly going to shift my thinking over to your point of view.

As for the illegality argument.. well, let's see. How many things are illegal in the US... and how few of them are enforced? *snicker* I can just see the spanking police uniforms now.


But in any case, I agree with you on that last part about dogs. The best thing to do is to teach children how to properly behave around dogs and there won't be a problem, providing that the owner of the dog(s) has trained them properly as well.
Bitchslapper said:

But in any case, I agree with you on that last part about dogs. The best thing to do is to teach children how to properly behave around dogs and there won't be a problem, providing that the owner of the dog(s) has trained them properly as well.

Yes, definitely. My daughter is being raised with a german shepherd, and we'll be picking up a new adoption dog in the next month or so, provided my other half gets this job he's interviewing for.. we also have a sheltie that is rather large for his breed. (I suspect he's a mutant).. his parents have a rottie cross and a yorkie, both wonderfully sweet and patient animals.

Learning how to properly act around dogs is vastly important, and would prevent a good number of bite incidents.

And yeah, I wasn't trying to be overly snippy, previously. I just find a certain intolerant 'you're all abusers' sensation in some of the posts. :D I don't tolerate intolerance.
I'm a mother of 3, yes I have smacked my children.

I can count on one hand the number of times I have had to do it, as crawling babies a loud resounding "NO!" was always enough.

I cannot believe there are people on this thread who can say that a smack is on the same level as beating a child!!

Yes I have smacked a child... I have never beaten my children though.

Yes there are other ways to discipline your children, i use them every day of my life.

In the view of some people smacking my child makes me a bad mother. So be it.

I know that I am the mother to 3 respectable young men that i am proud of, proud to take out anywhere, knowing full well that they will behave.
Uhm, going back to angela's original post, all she asked was how she should deal with her OWN reaction to it, so she doesn't feel like she can't go out in public
She didn't talk about interfering, she said she didn't plan to confront the parents, and she asked for advice from others who have trouble seeing or hearing it
Somehow it got sidetracked in to a huge debate about the right of parents to spank their kids & no one really addressed her question (yeah, there's a shock, ask a question about a highly volatile personal issue around here and see if anyone pays attenton to the question before reading what they want & going off in to rhetoric without I remember why I went away for a month)
But we HAVE discussed topics like this before in other threads, like one where I mentioned my former playmate who couldn't even be in the room with a man while he took off his belt because of memories of beatings from her father, or a friend who couldn't be played with a crop because her father (a horse trainer) used one on his kids
While Miss T is right in saying BDSM is not therapy and that you should deal with your own issues before you get in to it, MANY people do NOT deal first and ARE using aspects of BDSM to deal with things, for instance by recreating situations where they had no control in a controlled fashion from one side or the other as a form of catharsis
I am guessing angela's initial opinion that many people involved in BDSM would have trouble dealing with seeing children physically punished comes from the generalization that many people (especially submissives) involved in BDSM were aboused as kids. While it's not the case, like most generalizations there IS some truth in it & I know a lot of people on both sides of the whip who went thru childhood abuse
Additionaly, being that angela is a regular part of this little community, and that we have a lot of smart peole here, and a lot of people who like to give advice (not that the 2 groups always coincide), and that she obviously associates her issues with her D/s life, this is a perfectly legit place for her to ask about this :D

So can we maybe step away from the "I feel it's acceptable to discipline my kids" vs "You're all child abusers" rhetoric and maybe help angela with coping so she can be past her issues & happier with herself & BDSM? :D
And shop at Super-Wal-Mart other than at 3 am? :D
Fair warning: my brain is not functioning properly. This post might not make sense.

i had a very hard time dealing with people spanking their children for many years. It never did get to the point that I would try to stay away from public places, like angela does, but the sound of any sort of discipline toward children would send me running the other way.

It took having kids of my own - and getting literally to the end of my tether - for me to realize that discipline is necessary. Even spanking, when nothing else works. (Trust me, sometimes nothing else DOES work.)

All I can suggest is to work at it a little bit at a time. Try to acclimatise yourself to being in places the sounds of children being disciplined could be heard a few minutes at a time until it becomes more comfortable. In all honesty, people spanking their children in public does not happen all that often. At least not in any of the places i've ever lived.

Another thing that might be good is to look into some sort of therapy. This particular aversion is abnormally intense and really should be dealt with.

Just a few pennies' worth. :)
Since James thinks we're being big meanie poo poo heads... I'll refrain from the obvious comment that if angela was looking for help to deal with it, she's had lots of people discuss that exact issue in the thread and has not seemed to show a lot of interest in discussing possible ways of dealing with her dislike.

Oops. I said it. :D

That said, how do I deal with the sound of children being spanked?

I don't. It's kinda like how do I deal with the price of grain in China. I don't buy it there, so it's a non-issue.

I can't say I've seen children spanked in front of me. Sorry. And even if I did, unless as stated it was a 'beating' of an unacceptable sort, I probably wouldn't be bothered by it. I don't often stand around to watch people disciplining their children. I'm usually on a mission to buy something/get some errand done, and I'm in a hurry.

See? I can stay on topic... sort of.
I'm definately Old School and raised my own children with giving them spankings when I felt necessary.
AS a child My father never laid a hand upon me and for the most part 'nore did my mother.. But during highschool I was subjected to abusive aggresions from my mother simply because she couldn't deal with me ( later it was discovered by my doctor I had a very seriouse health condition that could have killed me.) So she coped with me by takeing her aggresions out on me because of my "instigateing" the problem.

Being i'm interested in the BDSM lifestyle though I wouldn't call it my "lifestyle" It's come to my own minds attentions a few times in the act. and have had to stop or I've burst into tears. (after about 5 years of psychological therepy, and zoloft) I'm happy to have such a sensitive partner. BUt it made me ashamed..

That being said They are of two different parts of my life but none the less parts of my life. and I can't in good conciouse condone beating a person let alone your own child into submission when my parents had no problems raiseing me up until the point where they decided to stop listening to me as a person and got selfish.. instead of trying to help me with a problem they couldn't cope with they broke down.. and as a result I paid dearly for it.

Now I love my parents no matter what but it's still taken me 6 years to becaome tenitive friends with my mother again.. and my father has never laid a hand on me, due to his own father beating him as a child I believe and he just loves children and I can't fathom him takeing it out on any.

So I can't say I'de agree with those of you saying BDSM and children being spanked have no connection. I can say if you get the same reaction from such things.. well I'm not going to touch that because it just disgusts me but i think everyone knows what is being hinted at..

How do I cope with children being smacked by their parents in public?.. I just walk away.. because it is a choice of the parents how they raise their children....

With that being said.. being I'm 21 and would someday love to have my own children.. My father will be allowed to babysit my children and be trusted around them far greater then my mother will.. and I can never quite trust her as I did before it all happened.. but i think I was a more extreame case.. being raised where my father wouldn't ever tolerate myself or my brother being hit( btw dureing my mother and I's... aggresions.. My father was clueless and refused to believe me when I did go to him in tears one day and poured my heart out...which I understand now that I'm older.. but back then I dispised him for not doing anything about it.)

I hope it's at least some food for thought for some people.