How do you feel RIGHT this moment? "I'm ________________"

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Tired. Work is killing me....I just need to survive till Friday.

*hugs my dear friend* You just need to let me distract you. See what happens when you don't get your daily dose of Moon.

Sia! *passes over a cup of coffee* I know the feeling. Friday can't come too soon.

I want to be part of Literotica's Coffee Sipper Association! I feel left out.:mad:

I often thought of starting a coffee club threed. A barista perhaps. I wasn't sure if it had been done before and I am afraid it wouldn't last.
* giggles *

Christmas early ...lucky man! :rose:

Me? I just received kisses from someone special and so am feeling pretty good myself.:)
*hugs my dear friend* You just need to let me distract you. See what happens when you don't get your daily dose of Moon.

*hugs tightly* I know... I very much miss our talks. I may be able to pop on tomorrow so we can catch up!


Sia! *passes over a cup of coffee* I know the feeling. Friday can't come too soon.

Thanks for the coffee... somewhere the pick up traveled through the ether. :)

Friday... it's nearly here!

Though Thursday is really my favorite day of the week.
I'm definitely tired. Another day of work, however, I will be consuming copious amounts of coffee this morning. :D
My body is telling me that waking up is not an option. Work is telling me that it is a must. They have the money. I guess they win.
Giddy from lack of sleep, bad dreams and migraines.
Thank Goddess for Monster.
Also...I am feeling a bit out of focus...and missing my friends...and wondering what the hell is wrong with me....
Angry, really angry. Like I want to close my fingers around someone's throat and give a squeeze until I see the light drain from their eyes angry.

Fuck today.
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