How do you feel RIGHT this moment? "I'm ________________"

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I posted that directly after my shower, but I'll gladly take another to make sure I got really really clean. :p

Next time, give me more warning and I'll get MR Ducky and my Pony Soap.
Shaddap it smells like apples and I like it.
I want to be a caramel coated apple.
With an extra added glaze.
Yet another reason for that shower, raccoon.

Foxy fox :D

I really need to rethink my vacation destination...

With me in your suitcase?!

Wait a goddamned minute.

A movie didn't fit perfectly with the source material?! :eek:

What're you talking about?
Last Airbender seemed right on track to me.
Uuung was great.


Raccoon, please bring a gag too; I don't think I can tolerate MYSELF if that happens again.
Feel like goofing around more than I do working. I mean if those responsible for getting me materials don't care then Why the fuck should I?
Like.... someone should drag me out back (I won't fight), dig a deep hole, push me into it and cover me up.


Like that.

I knew I shouldn't have missed my shot last year.
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