How do you feel RIGHT this moment? "I'm ________________"

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I'm not entirely sure we have the same definition of gutted, but either way I hope you don't feel that way long...

-gives her a big warm hug- if there is anything I can do just say the word.

takes the hugs gratefully and hugs them both back tightly

Thanks guys. Just had some bad news, well, unexpected and sad at any rate. Compared to the stuff some people are going through it's nothing really. Will be alright soon enough I'm sure.
Tired, stressed, and dammit a bit angry too. Really hope things get better from here. :-/
Anxious. I hope this day goes well, much better than the bad dreams I had all night about it.

I'm sure you'll do we'll in whatever task is set before you. :)

It went as well as it could have. Everyone showed up on time and did what they had to do. Now we'll see what their estimates come out to be. I have a feeling it's going to be very expensive.
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