How do you feel RIGHT this moment? "I'm ________________"

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Sounds ... awesome. Virtual hugs?

Virtual hugs are always welcome.

I've been there myself doll. Had one last night. It'll be okay. Just breathe and get the fuck out of there.

I did exactly that. Oddly, my first reaction when I realized I was about to have a panic attack was not to leave the room, but was to sink further into the beanbag chair, try to breathe, and hope no one noticed. This helped.

Yes, go for a walk. Just disengage, clear your head!

Thanks. Definitely helps to just get out and walk.

Hugs softly

It'll be ok hon. Think happy thoughts about using your tongue. ;)

I laughed when I read this. Thoughts about using my tongue are always happy, you have a very good point.
I am afraid I am losing my desire to write. I hope the writing bug bites me again soon. Does anyone have any writing bug traps? Maybe I could catch one and then it will surely bite me.
I am afraid I am losing my desire to write. I hope the writing bug bites me again soon. Does anyone have any writing bug traps? Maybe I could catch one and then it will surely bite me.

I'm on this kick where I make myself write something everyday, even if it's just silly free writing "whatever comes into my head". If I do that usually I get something to shape into an actual story or short or whatever. It's been working out pretty well so far!
I should, but as I get busier and busier, and my stress level goes up, I find it more difficult to do.
I am afraid I am losing my desire to write. I hope the writing bug bites me again soon. Does anyone have any writing bug traps? Maybe I could catch one and then it will surely bite me.

*nibble nibble*

Wait..what? My nibbles don't inspire writing?
Feeling like writing a book,,,not sure about what,,nor do I have a title,format or any paper,pens or pencils.If only my thoughts could write themselves,,,,,Best Seller :D
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