How do you feel RIGHT this moment? "I'm ________________"

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Sore. Where did those muscles come from?

I'm not sure if yoga is going to be for me, but I'm going to give it a shot. Right now, I'm just glad I'm doing it once a week. if I stick with it, I'll up it to two.
I feel like chocolate. Desired by many. Often thought of as sweet though often much more bitter by nature. Darker than one may want to believe. Looking pretty when wrapped in foil. Sometimes hollow when mistaken for being solid. And a delicious compliment to strawberries and coffee.
Seriously angry. Angry enough to do violent things to people who do not deserve it. I am so sick of the american health care system.

I am tearing someone a new asshole tomorrow.
I feel like chocolate. Desired by many. Often thought of as sweet though often much more bitter by nature. Darker than one may want to believe. Looking pretty when wrapped in foil. Sometimes hollow when mistaken for being solid. And a delicious compliment to strawberries and coffee.


A little motion sick. I have to get use to the camera angles all over again. The lag does not help.
Scared. My anxiety decided to kick in. No longer looking forward to this weekend... Feeling ill about it, actually.
I don't want to go anymore. I keep trying to help then get looked at like I'm a moron.
Scared. My anxiety decided to kick in. No longer looking forward to this weekend... Feeling ill about it, actually.
I don't want to go anymore. I keep trying to help then get looked at like I'm a moron.

Awww...*extra-strength freeklehugs*
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