How do you feel RIGHT this moment? "I'm ________________"

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*is tackled and loves it*

Yes, I was raised to be a brat. I think I turned out alright.

*hugs a wolf*

grins and kisses pretty Moon face

I can believe it. I was raised to be a woman but I think I got stuck at Boi and never left.

grins and kisses pretty Moon face

I can believe it. I was raised to be a woman but I think I got stuck at Boi and never left.


I was raised to be a boi but found myself somewhere between spoiled brat and touchy feely sensitive heels.

I was raised to be a boi but found myself somewhere between spoiled brat and touchy feely sensitive heels.


Ahhh, smexilicious hard femme.

*smothers you in kissy sounds and gropes*

Okay. I owe words. I am now going to retreat to Hell so I can write words...
Oh my god, when did I get so old? I ache in places I didn't even know I had, and it's not even tomorrow yet. I only got one room painted, and have another one to do tomorrow, and then put up a light fixture if I can figure out how.
Sore as hell. I've spent way too much time on the floor the past couple of days, and am now paying for it.

On the other hand, that damned linoleum is almost gone.
Sore as hell. I've spent way too much time on the floor the past couple of days, and am now paying for it.

On the other hand, that damned linoleum is almost gone.


Get your limited edition Handyman LCN! Comes with workbelt and working repetitive arm motion!

Not to mention the other LCN Dolls! Lawyer LCN comes with his own suit and tie, growls and long winded explanations sold separately.

Collect all 3..or one.. or..


I'll show myself out. But! Before I go... I'll admit to being a leetle distracted at the thought of a bad man on his knees.

I'll go now.




I feel like I would nuke the whole US right now just to make sure!
I FEEL ANGRY! 26 days left on this god forsaken rock and you're going to move me. You threaten to spray me in the face with pepper spray basically and then forget all about it. You tell me and dozens of others we have until Sunday to get our shit moved and be checked out of our housing and into our new housing. paperwork is lost, found again, and then discounted. Not only do I hate my job, but my job hates me. I can't wait to be back in the states again, but until then I am angry. Oh and new accommodations means my internet will be in flux. AWESOME
I FEEL ANGRY! 26 days left on this god forsaken rock and you're going to move me. You threaten to spray me in the face with pepper spray basically and then forget all about it. You tell me and dozens of others we have until Sunday to get our shit moved and be checked out of our housing and into our new housing. paperwork is lost, found again, and then discounted. Not only do I hate my job, but my job hates me. I can't wait to be back in the states again, but until then I am angry. Oh and new accommodations means my internet will be in flux. AWESOME

wanders in long enough to hug a very angry E

Am sorry shit is going to hell in a hand basket.
If you need to vent, find me.
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