How do you feel RIGHT this moment? "I'm ________________"

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Well, that certainly tells us where your mind is at. Priorities and all, yanno.

Just teasing ya, Wicked. ;)


Me on a beach with a drink getting a tan (because good gawd am I white, I'm like capser white)...yeah that I can totally see.

Me in a white dress getting mental image. Going from "hey maybe" to "hey babe I'm not waiting any longer" ...

Trippy shit.

Side note. Chrome is telling me "creeperish" is a legit word. Here I am, writing a message, totally thinking I'm making up descriptive words, as per my norm...come to find out, no red underline. HUH. Weird...
accomplished, one post down....a ton more to go.
Can I change how I feel from accomplished to stoic in the face of a challenge.

(They need an emoticon for that)
Pretty damn good. Got an owed post done, and just have a wonderful night. Sleep well litisens. I'm off for the night!
I'm feeling pretty good about all my responses and also about getting laundry and such done.

I love her for cooking dinner but daaaammmmnnn, why so much? You could feed an army with as much food as there was.
Sneaks up on Luna and then gives her a hug and kiss on the cheek. Tipsy is good when there's no work to be done.

Snuggles Noon for but a moment, releasing him with a sigh.

Yeah, tipsy is good, sometimes. Now if only I can get my brain to function.

A smile.
Hey Daddy.

Crawls into your lap.

How are you?

gives her a warm loving squeeze.

Hello lovely wolf. I just woke up, so I am feeling like I have been thrown down a few stairs. I'll be better once the meds kick in, and I stretch a little.

How are you love?
Pretty effing sore... I'm sure I am supposed to be...

"Gah! I havnt slept in three days!"

"I'll beatcha till you fall asleep."

"That would be saweet!"

2hours later - Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
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