How do you feel RIGHT this moment? "I'm ________________"

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We were looking for "nothing's gonna ever keep it down."

But E for effort!

Which is no grade at all, and pretty meaningless really.

Or is it A for effort? But that makes no sense either way. Or aither way.

We? Do you have multiple personalities?

Either way, I wasn't looking to be graded, so it's all good.
Happy. Nothing like an evening with girlfriends and a long conversation with my best friend to lift my spirits. I'm so very blessed with awesome friendship.
The beginning is set, the ending is plotted, but the middle...the fucking middle eludes me.

damned plot bunnies

Like the trampoline.:( At least the big heavy elephant is having a ton of fun, right?
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I has too much ouch.

But i r.done.for today.

I wanna write .

Maybe ill go take a shower and then i can write naked.
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