How do you feel RIGHT this moment? "I'm ________________"

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I do sensor repairs, by the way. ;)

And you're certainly welcome. I like surprising people with the truth.

Oh really? Well that's convenient. Hmm, do you make house calls?

bats her lashes at him sweetly


I'm totally keeping you.
tucks him in her pocket
My own pocket O' Fr33kles.
I feel sleepy. Well, tired at last. A long day of driving is just sitting still in a car for a shit-ton amount of time, but it's somehow draining all the same. I don't get it. Maybe it's being forced to hold the same position for so long? But then, I do that with some regularity. Smirks.
Noon... you're just.... too... *blushes more*

Awww, dammit..... Thank you. :rose:

I'm sure that, whatever you were going to say, I'm sure that I'm actually NOT too....that. But, any time for you, love. Gives her a quick kiss on the cheek.

You also have an alarming talent for finding sig gifs that I'm content to just sit and watch for a long stretch of time.
Both of these statements are proof you are not only sexy, but you're smart too.

Gives her a quick, teasing wink. Well thank you very much. And I know that it must be true, since it's coming from someone who is incredibly intelligent and sexy herself. I'm sure that you would know.
I'm exhausted. I spent today in bridal hell. Otherwise known as David's Bridal... and it wasn't even for me!

One of my bridesmaids is going to get strangled, I swear.
I'm exhausted. I spent today in bridal hell. Otherwise known as David's Bridal... and it wasn't even for me!

One of my bridesmaids is going to get strangled, I swear.

Sounds like an interesting ceremony. Is the strangling before or after the exchange of vows?
I am sleepy. Considering how late I was up last night, it's a bit surprising. Considering how little I actually slept, perhaps it's not that strange. I really should get a glass of water and settle in for bed, but I'm going to goof off here for JUST a little bit.
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