How Do You Like It Now, Republicans?

I don't like paying for delivering babies either. Women been delivering babies for 1000s of years without government interference!

And they always come out the same! It's boring! Ever heard of a thing called product development, bitches?! Let's have some wings and tentacles!
Well, ms Fluke seems to be getting a completely different type of gangbang than mr Limbaugh was fantasizing about...

No, I'm pretty sure this is exactly what he was fantasizing about.
Carbonite has competitors and was advertising on Limbaugh's show because that's where the money and credibility was, but their friends at leaned on them...

They willingly surrendered that audience to their competition.

Hey, it's still a free country.

Funny thing is though, none of those people pulled out of the Ed Schultz show...

;) ;)

... even though he used the 's' word.

Carbonite's stock price has zero, zilch to do with Limbaugh's show. And once again you've exposed yourself as a religious thinker, congratulations.
Jacob Sullum (Libertarian, you know MAHER's peeps...)

"If a mandate was the solution, we can try that to solve homelessness by mandating everybody to buy a house."
Famous "Activist" Constitutional Law Professor Barack Hussein Obama, 2008

No, we already busted you for this dumbass lie and now you're repeating it. "Birth control" does not cost $9. One specific birth control pill costs that much in some states.

Birth control pills are not the best option for all women. That one specific cheap pill is not the best option - you can't even be on it with something as common as high blood pressure since it can lead to stroke and blood clots.

When you get busted in a lie it's best not to wait 24 hours and then repeat it when you hope nobody is looking. :rolleyes:
See merc, I didn't lie when I said Sebelius was ordering companies to provide FREE stuff:

Yes you did lie. And you're repeating the lie again. What's with you and repeating lies today?

Insurance companies are free to include the cost of contraception in their group rate, therefore it's not free. You even said it yourself before you said the opposite.

The thing is contraception coverage can make the cost to coverage decrease. Vasectomies cost about $700 including all follow up and sperm count visits. If just one pregnancy is prevented from it then there's massive savings taking place. Birth control pills, Norplant, etc, it's all the same monumental savings if pregnancy is prevented.

Birth control pills also save money by preventing a range of diseases. And the Republican Blunt amendment would have permitted institutions such as Georgetown to continue denying pills to women for disease treatment/prevention.
The gummint's been screwing me for years, and it's only now that they're talking about contraceptives!!!!!!
What evidence do you have to support this claim?

It was the warmest day of the year here yesterday. Maybe that caused CARB stock to drop 8%? My point is that there's no evidence that advertising with Limbaugh's show or not has that kind of value. What makes Rush have magic advertising space that others do not have? And when Carbonite started advertising with Rush did their stock immediately jump 8% and now it's just coming down to baseline? You're not thinking rationally.

What's more likely?

- Rush's advertising space is SUCH an under-priced great deal that it enormously inflates the stock price of anyone who buys it.

- The fact that the biggest down day this year for stocks coincided with Google talking up their plans to jump in the ring and compete against Carbonite.
It was the warmest day of the year here yesterday. Maybe that caused CARB stock to drop 8%? My point is that there's no evidence that advertising with Limbaugh's show or not has that kind of value. What makes Rush have magic advertising space that others do not have? And when Carbonite started advertising with Rush did their stock immediately jump 8% and now it's just coming down to baseline? You're not thinking rationally.

What's more likely?

- Rush's advertising space is SUCH an under-priced great deal that it enormously inflates the stock price of anyone who buys it.

- The fact that the biggest down day this year for stocks coincided with Google talking up their plans to jump in the ring and compete against Carbonite.

I'd say the relevant questions are - What percentage of Carbonite's customer base was comprised of the loyal Limbaugh crowd? And - How easy is it to take one's Cloud business elsewhere?

I don't know the answers to those questions. But I disagree with your absolute conclusion about the stock price being divorced from any impact related to Limbaugh advertising, in the absence of any evidence to support it.
I'd say the relevant questions are - What percentage of Carbonite's customer base was comprised of the loyal Limbaugh crowd? And - How easy is it to take one's Cloud business elsewhere?

I don't know the answers to those questions. But I disagree with your absolute conclusion about the stock price being divorced from any impact related to Limbaugh advertising, in the absence of any evidence to support it.

What's your theory here to support the notion that a big chunk of Carbonite's customer base is a Rush fan? Are you thinking that the paranoid people who listen to Rush also want extra secure data storage?
What's your theory here to support the notion that a big chunk of Carbonite's customer base is a Rush fan? Are you thinking that the paranoid people who listen to Rush also want extra secure data storage?

I'm saying that IF those folks comprise of big chunk of the customer base, then of course pissing them off will have an impact.
I'm saying that IF those folks comprise of big chunk of the customer base, then of course pissing them off will have an impact.

I understand, just wondering if there is a connection here. I bet there is. Rush's sponsors include other options that appeal to the paranoid as well.
I'd say the relevant questions are - What percentage of Carbonite's customer base was comprised of the loyal Limbaugh crowd? And - How easy is it to take one's Cloud business elsewhere?

I don't know the answers to those questions. But I disagree with your absolute conclusion about the stock price being divorced from any impact related to Limbaugh advertising, in the absence of any evidence to support it.

No question, when Carbonite bought ads it picked the venues outta its ass rather than target likely customers.