How many forum members does it take to change a light bulb?

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annaswirls said:
ah I never read the Medicine thread.

are you saying I need a prescription?
A laugh a day is always good! But "More 'Medicice' " is over the counter and non-perscription! :kiss:
okay all I could find on naked light bulbs was this one of Angeline in a haltertop
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Rybka said:
A laugh a day is always good! But "More 'Medicice' " is over the counter and non-perscription! :kiss:

alright alright, Dr. R, I will start readin it.... as long as you promise there are no stupid blonde jokes!

I hate them
okay a lightbulb with a black bra and that is where I say good night :)
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annaswirls said:
okay all I could find on naked light bulbs was this one of Angeline in a haltertop


Oh my god. Was that you in the bathroom when I was changing the bulb? :D
Angeline said:
Oh my god. Was that you in the bathroom when I was changing the bulb? :D

I have a little room behind your medicine chest with the two way mirror....

wildsweetone said:
i swear that looks like a night eye-mask.

what? no suspender belt pics?


shhh its a bra I tell ya!

I am leaving the hard core shots to you, darlin'
annaswirls said:
alright alright, Dr. R, I will start readin it.... as long as you promise there are no stupid blonde jokes!

I hate them

Anna, there IS at least one of them in there. I bit, and I am not even blonde. IT sends you to dead links all over the universe... :eek:
Maria2394 said:
Anna, there IS at least one of them in there. I bit, and I am not even blonde. IT sends you to dead links all over the universe... :eek:

um who did you bite?
was it on purpose?
did you get dinner out of it?
annaswirls said:
I have a little room behind your medicine chest with the two way mirror....



(this finally solves the mystery of the squirrel noises behind the wall)

annaswirls said:
um who did you bite?
was it on purpose?
did you get dinner out of it?

pescado had a big hook, I bit that, lol, and I was dinner ;)
annaswirls said:
I only change light bulbs for my SELF and I don't care what anyone has to say about my technique.

Changing lightbulbs is personal. It is a matter of taste. As Flyguy so aptly wrote.

I do everything I can to avoid changing them. It seems if you change one, all the others think it's a good idea and they go out. If you leave the single bulb burnt out, the others realize if they go out they will be simply ignored and they stay lit.

jim : )
Light bulb poem

60 Watts

Flip the switch,
Let it shine.
Bare bulb.
Frosted my ass.
I still get retina burns.
The way they wrap glass
Around carbon filaments,
Trying for ambience.
I had a light bulb shaped
In my eye
For an hour.
namron711 said:
Enough talking already....

Can we just see the light bulb get naked please???

Could NOT find a naked light bulb.
But ...
maybe this will Light tha way for ya ~ ;)

Lights On !!

Cute and Funny thread.


RhymeFairy said:
Could NOT find a naked light bulb.
But ...
maybe this will Light tha way for ya ~ ;)

Lights On !!

Cute and Funny thread.



now THATS what I am talkin' about!

:lets see how long it takes before a certain boy puts it up as his av:
annaswirls said:
now THATS what I am talkin' about!

:lets see how long it takes before a certain boy puts it up as his av:
5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
Inappropriate Post Alert!!!

annaswirls said:
okay all I could find on naked light bulbs was this one of Angeline in a haltertop


There better not be a copyright on the pic of that light bulb missy!!!