How many keep a journal?

in deep

It only is a chore because I attempt to be totally honest and open, an sort of dredging of the soul. In some circumstances, being an emotional being, this can become torture of the unpleasant kind more than a fun task to complete. It is not light and airy, but a delving into the depths of thoughts, emotions, fears, perceptions, past experiences, etc., all of which take a huge emotional toll, especially if there has been an issue we have recently worked through and then I have to resurrect the still raw emoitions to record it in a journal form. It is like opening a wound which had begun to heal, scouring it out, and then trying to reseal it without doesn't work that way. I have read quite a few online versions and find them very on the surface, relatively light compared to the depths I get to and am expected to explore and expose.

yes,........i have one bad time, dealing with it. my so called inner self is NOT a happy camper.....from those old days....
i have not yet, healed anything period.
it is ALL still wide open,...and still sore.....
yeah,.......yeah i'm trying......but at my age, aint gonna be overnight,.....esp. since "I" have no one to talk to professionally.

thank you
lizzie anne:)
I know where you're coming from catalina! :) It is and can be hard at times to be so honest -- one cries and laughs while writing :) I hope my sentence didn't come out wrong -- really meant was sorry you dont always enjoy it! :) But then as with anything, there are always ups and downs to things.

I can imagine that when you look back all the intricate care you took will be well worth it as you are able to reread and relive your experiences! :)
Re: in deep

lizzie anne said:
yes,........i have one bad time, dealing with it. my so called inner self is NOT a happy camper.....from those old days....
i have not yet, healed anything period.
it is ALL still wide open,...and still sore.....
yeah,.......yeah i'm trying......but at my age, aint gonna be overnight,.....esp. since "I" have no one to talk to professionally.

thank you
lizzie anne:)

The point is recognising those issues and though counselling can be good (spoken from a counsellor's position...LOL), the reality is the answers are all within you, it just takes time and courage to utilise them in a way which works for you. I guess that is where the counselling can come in the way I work I work with the person in a way they find those answers, not my giving them to them from my perspective. Take heart, age is usually an advantage. I am enjoying these middle years as a member of the grandmother bracket far more than I ever did my confused and wondering youth which seemed full of too many questions and not enough of the right answers.

Catalina :rose:
mwbs_slave said:
I know where you're coming from catalina! :) It is and can be hard at times to be so honest -- one cries and laughs while writing :) I hope my sentence didn't come out wrong -- really meant was sorry you dont always enjoy it! :) But then as with anything, there are always ups and downs to things.

I can imagine that when you look back all the intricate care you took will be well worth it as you are able to reread and relive your experiences! :)

LOL, I don't know I will want to go back and read much of it. As Francisco points out after each difficult stage we pass, the book is now closed on that page and we have moved on to a fresh one.

Catalina :rose:
i keep a journal at

i write whatever i feel like writing about in it.

I do hear you on that catalina for sure.

Do you like livejournal mellian?? Is the interface simple?
mwbs_slave said:
I do hear you on that catalina for sure.

Do you like livejournal mellian?? Is the interface simple?

i do, and yes, it is generally simple and easy to figure out how it works.
