How Many partners?

1 which I suppose is a nice number to admit to if I had a serious boyfriend, but then again, good jobs want experience
I can't count that high with my shoes on. :D

Only one man has ever been in my pussy, and he is my husband.

Multitudes of men have been in my ass.

Hugh Hefner has had more women than I have. Not too many other people probably fall into that category outside of professional sex workers.
between 20-30, most of them during my 'wild college years' (of which, probably 20 of them were in one year) , been only with hubby (and happy) for the last 14 years
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I was extra promiscuous in high school and the first half of my 20s

over the past 5 years or so my number is 7
4, all but one a steady girlfriend.

the last is my Little One, she will be the last. Why go anywhere else when you have the best! Don't believe me, look at the thread!
Lets see...6. I've been with my wife for over 20 years so the counting stopped at that time.
Easily 50 women, in my early 20's I worked in an office where females outnumbered guys 20 to 1 and lets just say a lot of those ladies had a very open mind (whether they were in a relationship or not)

Also I started young (the legalities are different in my country...)

In the last year ,just 2.