How many post personals in the "personals" section w/minimal response

Ahem! I am a female.

And I have no repsonses to my ad. Maybe it's cuz I am looking for a female. Females feel as if they don't really need to respond to ads as they are constantly getting emails and PM's. Maybe that's the reason. I don't know. But it's pissing me off! hehe j/k ;)
Thanks, ethics. I think it's 30 posts for an avatar off their list, and 100 to upload your own avatar, just to clear up the confusion. I wish I was in California now, cumtodaddy! Not just 'cause it has a better climate than Georgia, either. Ah, well. IBM's still working on that matter transference thing.
Also, I might be in Cali some time. Ya never know
Well, color me confused. I've got over 30 posts now, and according to the tiny little faq on avatars, I should be able to choose one of theirs now. But I still have 0 available. Oh, well, I guess I'll just have to hurry up to 100 posts.
Anybody know a good way to get a lot of posts fast without being ridiculous? A thread somewhere with replies every 10 seconds, or something?
response to ads

I think the problem I see in most ads that Ive read is the lack of REAL information...sometimes its hard to tell...male/female location or what exactly the person is looking for. For me if Im not given enough information I have to pass it by I dont want to waste a huge amount of time trying to sort it out and "read" the other persons mind.

Perhaps Im the only one that feels like...not enough said? *G*
not enough info

ok am feeling a little sheepish *G* that last post was from me and case no one noticed My first *SMILE*
That's all right, I've done that a couple times myself. I did post a fairly specific ad, with who I was, who I wanted, and where I wanted it :) Probably I need to be on the forums long enough for people to get to know me first, though.
ad response

Thanx for the pep talk
I think youre probably correct but also unfortunately so much depends on location. Have to say online is not nearly as good as in person.
and where in the world is Karada?
Let's face it guys! Despite the proliferation of Women's Lib, women still want to be chased. Unfortunately, when they aren't, they just whine about how there are no good guys out there. LOL J/K Besides, men are generally more agressive and send responses to every woman brave enough to post an ad. Because of this, women don't even have to bother looking!

If a man wants to meet a woman he has to get out there and prove he is worthy. All a woman has to do is breath for most men to jump on them. It's a fact of life, women have half the money and all the pussy. They will always be able to make men beg!

PS I love begging! :p
no one replied to mine

Well, no one replied to my personal :(

But that's probably because it was a bit useless,
I just mentioned that I was in Oxford and wanted
to meet someone. Probably I should have said that
I was an interesting person, interested in philosophy
(especially Goedel's theorem - basically in maths there
will always be some things you can't prove mechanically)
and weird science (GM goats/spider combination that
produce silk in their milk), I write great music (see
my signature), I draw freaky pictures (explore the
website), I'm not that bad looking, I'm not neurotic
(I used to be, but then I had a psychotic episode (hearing
voices, having delusions like thinking I was a telepathic
virus transmitted to a new host everytime I fell asleep,
and my family still looked the same because they were just
physical manifestations of a deeper semantic construct)
and have now realised that there are more important things
to worry about, like being healthy and happy with what
you've got), I'm studying maths and computing at Oxford
but I'm not a nerd or a geek, I go out clubbing to house
and drumandbass whenever possible, I'm a good cook, I
play capoeira (Brazilian martial-art/dance/game), and
most important of all I'm honest, kind hearted, and
all the stuff that women say they want - yet I still
can't find someone who wants to be with me.

Anyway, that's my moan for now.

Claude / movem.l
Re: Heterotica

Anybody know a good way to get a lot of posts fast without being ridiculous? A

Most of the bars tend to have responses posted fairly quickly, an if you really want to up your post count, join one of the avatar threads. Basically, they're threads where you post attached images from your computer for other people to use as avatars, in case they're looking for something new or interesting. Last one of those that I saw was about two weeks ago in Online Role Playing...
You'll end up with a rediculous number of posts in the site, but its expected in those kinds of threads, so nobody will complain.
by the way, love the avatar, and love the karada. I agree, you are more interesting than Al gore. (or Carmen Electra, for that matter, she's just eye candy)
Wow, Claude, you sound very interesting. I love jungle & trance, philosophy, and wish I could do capoeira-- I don't have the upper body strength or the coordination. I wish I was an attractive woman near Oxford :)

And thanks for the tip and compliments, BlazeofLife-- I'm not worried about post count now that I have my avatar :D
Heterotic, how many messages have you gotten so far from men who say they love hot asian chicks who liked to be tied up fancy?
hehe--surprisingly, none at all. I know how to do a couple kinds of karada and shinju myself, too, but nobody's volunteered as a subject either.