How to write a poem properly

The first thread I ever responded to in this forum was started by the lovely Judo, and asked: what is the mass noun we use to describe poets? We know, for example, of a gaggle of geese, a school of fish, a murder of crows. But what of poets? Does anyone know the answer to that? I can't recall if we ever resolved it way back in '02.

And even if you don't know, what word would you use? And, of course, why? :)

A peck of poets? Pick a peck of pickled poets?

Yeah we could look up the original thread but this is more fun. Old is the new new. :D
A verse of poets? A stanza of poets? Dare I suggest a canto of poets?

Probably more accurate would be a subsidized and marginalized academic dustbin of poets. Though that is too many words.

A speak of poets.
A verse of poets? A stanza of poets? Dare I suggest a canto of poets?

Probably more accurate would be a subsidized and marginalized academic dustbin of poets. Though that is too many words.

A speak of poets.
I think; a metaphor of poets.
I am not so certain that reading makes a good poet.
It doesn't, of course. You can't read your way into being a competent poet.

But I think one needs to read other poets to be a good poet. It won't make you good, but will help you recognize what is good, and perhaps pick up some ideas or technique that will help you. Poets don't appear in vacuo. Even Chatterton obviously knew a lot about the medieval poets he was emulating (or counterfeiting, depending on your opinion of his work).
A verse of poets? A stanza of poets? Dare I suggest a canto of poets?

Probably more accurate would be a subsidized and marginalized academic dustbin of poets. Though that is too many words.

A speak of poets.

At college there was a dustbin of poets who posted their work in lines and stanzas on lecture hall entrances and exits, they got plenty of reviews. If they heard any of them they probably gave up writing poetry though.
At college there was a dustbin of poets who posted their work in lines and stanzas on lecture hall entrances and exits, they got plenty of reviews. If they heard any of them they probably gave up writing poetry though.

dustbin of poets.

can I steal that?
I would like to start a thread.
dustbin of poets.

can I steal that?
I would like to start a thread.

Dustbin of poets can just be the shortspeak for a subsidized and marginalized academic dustbin of poets. Good work, Tzara. Some would argue subsidy of art is the same as marginalization. Which I'm fine with, cuz the academics can write in their own little world and be as important as they think they are in that teeny tiny space of existence. I'm important in bflagsst world.
A kingfishers nest of poets (often full of turds and large fleas but producing something of beauty eventually!)
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A starvation of poets

A penury of poets

An inkblot of poets

A smudge of poets

A scribble of poets

An idle of poets

When you have multiple poets living in a group, it's the economic equivalent of a fungal infection. Therefore this is commonly called a "colony".
A starvation of poets

A penury of poets

An inkblot of poets

A smudge of poets

A scribble of poets

An idle of poets

When you have multiple poets living in a group, it's the economic equivalent of a fungal infection. Therefore this is commonly called a "colony".

what about a scrounge of poets, or even a sigh? mind you, some i've known would qualify as a scourge or a whinge.

guess poets are pretty diverse, so lots of names might suit.

and hello. this looks like a dandy place for a poet to be. looking forward to reading you guys and adding some work of my own.
Hello Chipbutty and welcome I'm one of the resident Brits around here
Oh Annie! You'll love this lady from London. She's got some tasty poemie things up her sleeve.

So, Chip meet Annie, Annie this is Jan. I met J over at Editred a couple of years ago and have always valued her comments and her writing.

:rose: You should be able to throw muses at one another across the Thames. :)
Oh Annie! You'll love this lady from London. She's got some tasty poemie things up her sleeve.

So, Chip meet Annie, Annie this is Jan. I met J over at Editred a couple of years ago and have always valued her comments and her writing.

:rose: You should be able to throw muses at one another across the Thames. :)

Aha at last someone that knows what I am talking about and in the same language!
*waves to Annie, Champagne and everyone else*

poemy thingies - stuff, whatever you want to call them. cheers :D

but oi, Annie, don't you be lobbing nuthin at me or i'll tell on you, ok?

how does one lob a muse? sounds vaguely smutty, that...
It's ok I've educated them as to what a proper chip is doubt they quite get the butty bit though!
its been a while since i last indulged in a good chipbutty :D

i used to be a far more enigmatic 'solaris', but the name's been grabbed here already.

going to get a cuppa, back in a mo.
Hello, I was told to come back here, and decided to. Now the big issue I have is I suck sour donkey balls writing poems. So, what is a good place to learn how to write some properly. Thanks a lot.


hello. first, might i suggest you leave off the sucking sour donkey balls while composing poetry unless you truly find it helps.

poetry is quite a different animal, imo - and it can embrace as many styles as you can shake a leg at. reading a whole lot of poetry should give you some idea of what you like about poetry.

there are great writers whose works simply don't move me. technically they might be superb. it could be their subject matter or styling i don't like, or their personal take on things i can't empathise with.

when you get a taste for what sort of stuff you like, try writing some of your own. it doesn't matter, as far as i'm concerned, if what you write's derivative; if it's worked in the same style as another poet you admire; if it addresses themes we've read again and again.

the very act of writing will give you experience. you can only learn by doing. people can learn to write poetry, but that in itself won't make them good poets. a person can learn to paint in watercolour, but that's not to say he'll be a great artist. this shouldn't stop you from enjoying writing though. as in any subject, from tennis to politics, there will be the more everyday journeymen and those reaching the very pinnacle of their profession.

keep most of what you write. it might feel the best thing you've ever done, but months or years on you'll look back on it and see just how much you've improved.

personally, i found that process quite humbling. seeing what rubbish i'd been writing.but in each there was usually the germ of an idea, an image, a metaphor worth being there.

there are stages i believe we almost all have to pass through, and we never stop learning or developing.

i hope you enjoy the journey :D
I may have missed that lesson. Over her some folks get into tossing cow chips ...

I seem to be on different threads teaching you whats what in English cuisine lol A Chip is similar to a french fry but much bigger and deep fried in hot fat. A chip butty is a sandwich using those chips
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I seem to be on different threads teaching you whats what in English cuisine lol A Chip is similar to a french fry but much bigger and deep fried in hot fat. A chip butty is a sandwich using those chips

Oh! like fish and chips. And we have potato chips which are thin slices that are deep fried. The potato (and the tomato) are native to the America's its hard to imagine them not being a part of our cuisine.
Oh! like fish and chips. And we have potato chips which are thin slices that are deep fried. The potato (and the tomato) are native to the America's its hard to imagine them not being a part of our cuisine.

Thin sliced potato chips are crisps! you say tomato I say tomarrrrto lol
Hey I just thought when I'm doing my iambics and what have you there's a word that's going to work out differently which ever side of the pond you happen to live
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american-style fries might work with burgers but definitely not with fish... gotta have the fatter ones with that.

sigh - just when we thought poetry was a common language amongst us all and it was safe to take the plunge, the damned dialect things screw it up.

not to worry. i have a plan ;)
american-style fries might work with burgers but definitely not with fish... gotta have the fatter ones with that.

sigh - just when we thought poetry was a common language amongst us all and it was safe to take the plunge, the damned dialect things screw it up.

not to worry. i have a plan ;)

I don't Adam and Eve it but don't shut your pony and trap whatever you do or sling your butchers hook. You're not on your Jack Jones on this we can tell them a Jackanory ot two or maybe some Jackson Pollocks!!
bloody Jackanory? now THAT really takes me back. used to watch that and Blue Peter religiously as a kid. i can still make things out of any old shit nowadays too, lmao

have a pork pie :D
......... and here's one I made earlier (oh right sure you did certainly wasn't the production staff was it?)
OMG I just ate a pork pie don't start getting pshycic with me or are you sending out the PPEP (pork pie eaters police)