How to write more?

Thank you! Yes you understood me right and thank you everyone else too!
This may help, but you have to figure out how much you feel comfortable writing in a single day. I can usually do about 1,000 to 1,400 words, but sometimes I do less. As long as you have something being produced, than that is a good sign.

I think it was Faulkner who said, "Don't be a writer. Just be writing."
I feel good if I get 1,500 words written in a day. I feel fine, too, if I used my daily writing time to go winery hopping.
--Do write more, and more often.
--Do read a lot, a variety of genres, lengths, and authors.
--Don't edit while you are writing your first draft, just let it pour out, good and bad, typos and malconjucated verbs and all.
--Don't worry about anybody reading the first draft. The only way that might happen is if you get famous enough that there is demand for your "unpublished" work. If you share it with anybody for opinions, make sure it is someone you really trust, and/or make it the second draft.
--Do start every new piece with the understanding that it might not work out and you'll end up tossing it. Not everything you write has to be for publication.
--Do try to picture a scene in your head, and you in it as the MC and other characters. Play with what does or could happen before writing it.
--Do go out and have experiences in real life. Watch people and imagine what their stories are, what kind of people they are, what's going on in their lives. Make it all up, try to extrapolate from their appearance, dress, and body language.
--Do write standalone character sketches, individual scenes, description passages, etc. separate from any specific story, just to work out ideas. Maybe they'll find their way into a story, maybe not.
--Do save everything you write, good, bad, or awful, in some deep dark corner of your hard drive, more hidden than your porn stash in case anybody snoops. Then you can go back later and see how you've improved. And maybe there's an idea in there that makes more sense now than it did.
--Do accept that you will often produce garbage. The more shit you produce, the more likely there's a diamond buried in it.
--Do NaNoWriMo when it comes up again in November.
--Do write more, and more often.