Hump Bar (Sens Lounge)

Ayonia watches, confused, as the other occupants of the bar seem to be playing a game, rolling dice and then performing certain acts. Standing up, she approaches them. "Excuse me, but what are you doing?"

*Explains* It's how we pay for our alcohol here. You roll these dice, depending on which the bartender tells you to roll, then you perform that on your bartender of choice.
*I get up and roll the dice, laughing at the result.*

Oreo, I'm supposed to blow your neck.

*I rush over planting my mouth on Oreo's neck blowing while my hands move to her arm pits and I begin to tickle her.*

"Oh." She stands there, perplexed for a moment.

She turns to the bartender, slowly. "So . . .all right. Could I have a scotch?"
Houston looks at Sens, "Oh, sorry. Did I not sound nice? Sorry. it just gets so crazy behind the bar sometimes."

Houston bows to Ayonia, "Sorry ma'am"
*Looks at Ayonia*

Would you like me to serve you, or Houston over there?

*sticks her tongue out at Burns*

Ha! I'm not ticklish =D
" Nice to see everyone is getting along, what do think Burn?"

" Oh burns any idea on a dj or live band for tonight?"
Well drat...

*I stop my "payment" and find a seat at the table with my drink.*

Ayonia blushes, and nods in the direction of Houston. "Um, him. And. . .there's no apology necessary."

"Johnny Walker Gold, please." Really, she's a novice at drinking, so she picks the first one listed. "Which . . .die should I roll?"
The only band I know that MIGHT be able to do something is a christian punk rock band and I don't think this is the venue for them.

Other than that I don't know anyone that would be able to preform on such short notice, kitty kat.

Oh, Blackmore's night has a good walts tune called "Be Mine Tonight".

" Oh well , well ladies and gents enjoy your evening as this chica is out for teh rest of the day"

*Sens grabs her stuff , with no worries and leaves.*
Houston waves to Sens, "Have a great night, gorgeous. We'll take care of the lounge for you."
Approaching the dice table, Ayonia is doing her best not to think about it. Picking up the two "Fetish Dice," she rolls them. "Uh, it's. . ."lick nipples." Is that something I do to you, or vice versa?"
Houston smiles at Ayonia. "You get to do it to me." It should be easy as Houston is not wearing a shirt, since he is clad only in tight black dress slacks and a black tie that says "Horn-Tender"
Ayonia nods, and walks up to Houston. Carefully, she leans her head down, and touches her tongue to his left nipple. She pauses, before licking it tentatively, and repeating the process with the other. Then she backs away. "Can. . .I have my drink now?"
Night kitty kat, see ya tomorrow.

Don't be nervous Ayonia, Houston doesn't bite unless you want him too.

Houston hands her the double JW Gold on the rocks. "Certainly. And might I add that you have a wonderfully soft, warm, wet tongue. I hope you notice how hard they got so quickly."
Ayonia nods, smiling slightly. "Yes, I see they did. Thank you very much." She slinks away, sitting down and sipping quietly at her beverage. Hearing Burns' comment, she turns her head, "Ah, thank you. I just tend to be nervous in general with this sort of thing, but I'm working on it!"