*Walks in, putting the coffee on, and turning on some lights.
She puts some bacon on a skillet and starts cooking, turning on the waffle iron and mixing up some batter, pulling pecans, blueberry, and chocolate chips. Variety is, after all, the spice of life. She also pulls out some eggs and grated cheese*
" Hey to those I write with in rp's it is going to start this week being a tad less postings as college courses start back up, unless you want to do my work which I would not alllow anyhow cause I wouldn't learn a dam thing then. " he he ha ha .
" So expect it , don't worry I will get to posting to them within 48 hrs . "
" Also I will be gone for a long vaction like a bit , so be prepared, I have personal things to attend to here , and my hub is pushing out soon so we are taking a personal time out from our own wants and desires for each other as a family, so please be patient , if you decided you rather not carry that thread till I return it is quite understood just send me a pm , I will not be mad , promise . "
" I will miss my lounge and all of you when this tiem approaches which is just a couple weeks away, but I am sure that all will be fine here."