hypothetical question??

My dear Isabella, I refer to the music only. I'm sure your stuff is young and vibrant. I ment no disrespect.
yes but does Donovan have super powers?

... hmmmm a collector of 45s and a gentleman too ... no disrespect taken kind sir ... lmao

i love the old stuff and the new stuff too .. i guess you could say i'm pretty tarty when it comes to rock lol .. although i guess donovan is more folk .. right?
Donovan is folk rock. He's from a good era that included a young Bob Dylan, the Byrds and my favorite folk guy Arlo Guthie. I can't say I collect the 45's-but they are in the basement until I gather the courage to put them on e-bay.
I'm strickly a CD man now.
or you can sell them at Alice's .. i heard you can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant .. ;)
Wow did I make a love connection here or something?


Justin: you have finals right now? how do they work your summer... or are you not in america...? j/curious
I would like to be able to change an autumnal tree into a fully blossomed one with a simple *click* of my fingers.


yeah, as if. I want x-ray vision and mind controlling powers like every other red-blooded male on this planet.
well, not right now... they actually start on the 31st. but this isn't exactly normal for a Canadian university... my university just happens to be weird. :)

(not to mention, the best... but that's just school spirit :D)

let me put it this way: my summer vacation does not exist. right now, i have a 40-hour class week.

it works like this. i started university in september, went to class till christmas, then went straight out on a work term in january. back to school in may, then i'm back out to work this september. and so on, for five years. no break. :(

on the upside, you pull in some really helpful cash. :) and my first job kicked so much ass it wasn't even funny. :D
~justin said:

let me put it this way: my summer vacation does not exist. right now, i have a 40-hour class week.

Okay, I take it that means you are really really busy but I have a feeling that we count hours differently over here b/c 12 hours is considered to be a full course load and I take a min. of 9 every semester, usually more.

Can someone tell me how canadians count semester hours? I am interested to know. Thanks!
basically, any hour during which you're either in lecture, tutorial, or lab is counted as a "class hour." i have 18 weekly hours of pure lectures, the rest is tutorials and labs...

how do you guys cout it, at, uh, wherever you are? :)
~justin said:
basically, any hour during which you're either in lecture, tutorial, or lab is counted as a "class hour." i have 18 weekly hours of pure lectures, the rest is tutorials and labs...

how do you guys cout it, at, uh, wherever you are? :)

Hmm, well, it really doesn't make much sense (here in USA) the way they count it but typically it is how many hours you spend in class although often enough, I have taken labs that only count as "one" credit hour or possibly two and I will spend around 3-4 in class hours per week. (so they really screw you on the lab hours basically!). I have a two hour lab this fall, which will likely kick my ass (check for Jade posts in the Spring, there may not be any b/c my brain may possibly fry away...) and it involves 8 HOURS of in class time (starting at 8 AM twice a week until 12 PM ugh!!) and of course it also requires substantial out of class time. Okay so I am complaining...
any sympathy??
*fuzzes Jade* you've got my sympathy. what are you taking that's so bad? well, of course, one could ask the same question of me... but anyway. what is it?