..i am but no one to you...

Kenny/Satan/what's the difference?

Lauren.Hynde said:
Didn't Kenny die in almost every episode?

They killed Kenny!
You bastards!

Kenny likes to be called Kenneth. I have a difficult time calling him that since his pop's name is Kenneth. Too many Kenneths, not enough Kennys. That's my opinion.

Das LoveKalvin


Check out my song "A.M.P."(ADAM) on the web.
Re: Re: Re: ..i am but no one to you...

juicyjesus said:
"BURP" was an excellent poem. Thanks for sharing that. I love it. Can I use it to write a song? Har Har. Scott
Um.. I don't know. I didn't write it. You'd have to ask it's author, the esteemed Darkmaas.
Did someone mention my name?

Oh it's you.

Sure, help yourself. You can even claim you wrote it if you want. Poetry should be free!


Mr. Experienced,
Working his way to a flashy/fleshy AV.