I hope you die!

As far as the farmer goes: In the US, the man would have most likely been charged with manslaughter. Why? Because those circumstances are not justifiable as being self-defense. Killing someone who threatens your life is self-defense here, killing someone who threatens your TV is not. If the gypsy in question had not been running away (as evidenced by the gunshot to the back), but instead threatening the farmer with a deadly weapon, he would have been justified.

Another interesting little kink in our legal system: you arenot allowed to boobytrap your property to hurt\maim\kill trespassers or theives. They can sue if you do, and they can win, because YOU broke the law as well.

As to my personal answer: in what I would consider my right mind, I would never kill anyone. Period. I've had my life threatened with a gun and a knife to my throat, and in both instances I was totally prepared to sacrifice my own life rather than to take another's. It's just how I am.

I had a psychotic episode last semester that, were my former close friend home, would have caused me to snap her little neck like a twig before I realized what I had done.. But that was SO temporary insanity. My best friend ended up wrapping her entire 5'7", 130-lbs. body around mine to keep me from going after this young woman, and I was walking around like there was nothing on me. She had me walking in the snow for two and a half hours without a coat to try to calm me down, and eventually I was taken to the hospital to be tranquilized.

Would I have killed in that mindset? HELL yeah. I almost beat down the girl's door when I heard a radio in there.

WouldI have been ready to accept the consequences? No. It wasn't what you might call premeditated or even thought about.. but it would still have been murder.
Mentioning something is the same as taking it seriously? Oh, boy, am I disillusioned.
Re: Imagine a huge parenthesis

Flagg said:
I do want to make clear where this all comes from incase some of the newbies here take it too seriously (as they seem to do with everything).


*wasn't actually categorising you as such there Payne, old chap, but we can carry on doing the Huh? heh? huh? heh? thing for a while if you like. Yeah, then we'll become gurus like everyone else!?*
Sorry, I have to bitch fight with you now! LMAO. Er, what I mean to say, old chap, is that I'm neither old nor a chap. Furthermore, anything I say this morning, I'm passing the blame onto the lovely cold 'n flu products.

God Bless Me,

"Huh there, Hi there, Ho there, you're as welcome as can be..."

I'm sorry, did you want to sing the Micky Mouse Club song?

I could not murder anyone. Even if someone hurt my child I don't think I could do it. Oh, I could cause a variety of pain and anguish, and possibly sever a limb or two, but not snuff out a life.

I shall bring this up to the Grand Poo-bah at the big old scary Guru meeting next week at the YMCA, room 3, next to the pool.
Would somebody send me the right damned script? Afraid of Dixon. Afraid of Dixon. Afraid of big ol scary Dixon.

What's my motivation?

Bats eyelashes and exits stage left...

Don't you dare take that motor-cycle up there on that high dive!

I saw a new weapons type show on the Discovery channel, featured a gun that shoots tiny bean bags, knocks the bad guy cold without killing him. I think it sounds like a good idea. What say you all?
*giggles at Dixon* Reminds me of that old line, I don't know why but it does..

"No matter how bad things get in your marriage, never consider divorce. NEVER consider divorce-- murder, maybe, but definitely not divorce." :D
Dear CreamyLady,

I'm fairly certain if you sent someone to Pluto, that they would not survive. Would that be murder, hmmmm...?

Speaking of which, the way my Aunt used to cook asparagus...to this day, I'm still not certain.
In reply to Bushido71xs

Planning another man's demise is in my eyes an utterly heinous and evil act. The person, or persons who do such a thing step outside of the moral and philosophical realm of the human race, they become little more than rabid creatures that should be dealt with accordingly.

Yes so it would seem. This is however exactly what happens when nations go to war often fighting over nothing more than a line drawn in the dirt that determines who gets to tax the people who live there. The soldier will try and kill those attacking him even when they aren’t actively shooting at him. Many of my friends and neighbors went to Vietnam some never came back. Those that did come back were changed, harder, colder, a little piece of them had died with each buddy that had died and with each person they had killed.

When there is a threat to the lives of you and your family shouldn’t you be allowed to do something about that threat even to extremes if necessary? Does it really make me a bad person if I kill to protect my family even if I have to do it other than during an attack? I may have misspoke earlier when I spoke of revenge. There is nothing in the world that will bring back a lost loved one. Pain for pain is not what I want only the assurance that it will not happen again.

I grew up on a farm and ranch, live on one now so I am no stranger to life and death. I know that if my favorite dog develops a taste for fresh lamb and I can’t find someone in town to take him then I have to make that long walk with him to the backside of the pasture. Killing man or beast should never be taken lightly and if it has to be done, should be done as quickly and painlessly as possible.

As far as the farmer who shot the gypsy, I don’t have enough information to make a call on right or wrong. It is a shame for those on both sides who now have to live with the results.
Gil said:
Dear CreamyLady,

I'm fairly certain if you sent someone to Pluto, that they would not survive. Would that be murder, hmmmm...?

Speaking of which, the way my Aunt used to cook asparagus...to this day, I'm still not certain.

I was thinking of the farthest place away from me; Pluto came to mind. Of course, I'd want whoever was sent there to have the life support they needed.

Do you think your aunt was trying to poison you?
If someone pushes you far enough it is very possible. I had a panic attack when I ran over a squirrel by accident so I can't visualize a point when I could be that enraged.
Interesting discussion. I have been in positions that required me to carry or control various weapons, often in anticipation of possible conflict. On one of those occasions a young man who was supposed to be protecting me nearly shot my leg off with an M-16 rifle. I was armed myself, and my first thought (the shot was fired behind me) was that some idiot was trying to rob me of the payroll I was carrying. I drew my weapon and turned to find him looking sheepish because of an accidental discharge. To this day I am thankful that I did not have a round chambered in my own weapon, and had not had time to chamber one before I was fully aware of the situation.

After relieving the young man of his rifle, I sent for another guard and went back to the business of paying off the troops, but with elevated blood pressure and a pulse much higher than normal.

The point to all this is that one has to use caution when one holds the means of applying "deadly force". A human life is not something to be wasted.
Yes I believe I could. But the facts would have to be solid (IE..finding someone doing serious harm to my son).

Not for nothing but I'm watching "Color of Night" with Bruce Willis on HBO. The girl he's boffing is fucking gorgeous!!!!!


Thanks for clearing that up! I not certain about the Aunt, but if she was it obviously worked (Since my mind equally obviously no longer does...yeah, there are worse things than death.}

Eve darlin',

I'm sure that squirrel is damn glad you didn't run over him on purpose. Hope it wasn't Rocky or you're goin' to have an enraged moose all over your ass!
LOL Gil, I swear. I hope not as well, otherwise I think I'll have to sleep with one eye open.
Yes and no

To protect someone or myself from grievous bodily harm...yes

To safeguard some material object no...
There is no inanimate object in my house worth taking a life...I don't own a gun and don't need one. Burglary is a rare thing and in a lot of cases around here it is done when the perpetrator knows no one is in the abode.
In any case I am just as comfortable with my Louisville Slugger as protection...cause I know my way around my house in the dark..he/she/they don't!
Well,I have to say this is an intresting topic.

Now I know I'm sick and am not normal...But I too would like or hope I would act wise...I have had a carry conseal permit for 15 yaers now,I carry everyday all day long and am never more than arms reach away from some sort of handgun.
I have been in bars when guns have come out and was smart enought to leave mine in the holster, however if I would have shot I would have been in the legal right.
I think in this day and age in the US there are 6 degrees of murder....1st degree is where you plan to get up in the moring and go kill joe blow......This they can lock you up forever or death pen.
6th degree is clouded by passion ....Someone raped you wife or daughter and you lost your mind and killed them...Me myself if someone ever hurt my wife or kids there going down..Plain and simple...I think a few years in jail is time well spent for hurting my family....most get off with no time served at all.

They can sue you if you shot them and they live...now I think that is totally fucked myself.
If I ever had to Kill I want nothing left of them ...I want to have to sponge them off the wall.....

Sorry folks this is just something I feel very strong about and have no axe to grid with all in the world.......Just don't fuck with me or mine......

Have a nice day all :D