I just can't help it!

I can see I haven't been paying enough attention to poetry publications. Congrats Tess. Canadian poets are like Canadian musicians, no one hears them coming until their talent bursts in a flood of genius.

I love your words and I'm sure the rest of the country will, now, too.

Tess, that's wonderful! Heartfelt congratulations! :)
Angie baby ~ :kiss:

anna ~ I'm a transplanted Brit. Quills is a quartely so *Catbabe*'s was in the Autumn edition and mine will be in the Winter one. A theme of "Ice" was suggested to poets.

Carrie and minsue - thank you. :eek:

Grins...I don't know you, Tristesse, but I had to pass on congratulations for such exciting news. So....

Tristesse said:
I'm bursting!

I'm getting published in print for the first time! Ok - it's only a little Canadian magazine but I've seen the works in previous editions and I'm thrilled to stand beside them.

(does happy dance all over the forum)

And I'm doin a happy dance for you! This is great news, Tris!! Congrats hon... and may it be only the first of many!!

I'm in this month's copy - a re-vamnped Winter's Passing - AND in Lust, the copy of erotic poems.

I didn't know I was in Lust. (not in lust, for once - too excited.)

Seeing your work in print is so cool.

*does another happy dance*

edited to add - my copies arrived today.
Re: Re: I just can't help it!

duckiesmut said:
Grins...I don't know you, Tristesse, but I had to pass on congratulations for such exciting news. So....


BooMerengue said:
And I'm doin a happy dance for you! This is great news, Tris!! Congrats hon... and may it be only the first of many!!


Thanks so much, both. :D
Tristesse said:
I'm in this month's copy - a re-vamnped Winter's Passing - AND in Lust, the copy of erotic poems.

I didn't know I was in Lust. (not in lust, for once - too excited.)

Seeing your work in print is so cool.

*does another happy dance*

edited to add - my copies arrived today.

I KNEW you were in Lust and that's what I thought you were talking about when you said you were published so I am short one congratulations:D I blame darkmaas for the confusiion ;)

Enjoy your successes Tess!! Have fun looking at the pages and your name over and over and over and over..:D :rose:
Congrats!! and thank you for sharing your success. It is nice to know that print is not an impossible dream..I wish you many many more :rose:
I just got my copy of Quills today

Annnd Tess has not one but TWO poems in it.

Wait, it gets better...

Her name is featured on the cover as one of the poets to look for inside...how amazingly cool it that?

She has pages 34 and 44 all too herself and she holds them well!
Re: I just got my copy of Quills today

*Catbabe* said:
Annnd Tess has not one but TWO poems in it.

Wait, it gets better...

Her name is featured on the cover as one of the poets to look for inside...how amazingly cool it that?

She has pages 34 and 44 all too herself and she holds them well!
Hold it up so we can see it! Hold it up! Is there a picture? God, I hope there is a picture!
I'm embarrassed enough already but, just so's you know it's not just a figment of my imagination......it took me a while to realise it wasn't!

The copy of Lust was too thick to scan well. These are from the winter edition.

Tristesse said:
I'm embarrassed enough already but, just so's you know it's not just a figment of my imagination......it took me a while to realise it wasn't!

The copy of Lust was too thick to scan well. These are from the winter edition.

Your butt seems to have scanned OK.
Tristesse said:
Ooops - Two
I remember this one from Anna's challenge, Tess. It was and is a beautiful poem. I didn't remember the acrostic.

Congratulations on your recognition (we already knew you were a poet!).
Tristesse said:
I'm bursting!

I'm getting published in print for the first time! Ok - it's only a little Canadian magazine but I've seen the works in previous editions and I'm thrilled to stand beside them.

(does happy dance all over the forum)

Congrats and high 5! :)
I'm very happy for you....

as you are a consistently good writer of poetry and deserve to be published!
