I Quit

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I Quit

Sandia said:
Your GB buddy says: scene.

The syntax, comprehension, grammar, spelling and vocabulary levels here are at all-time lows.

Some of these grrls need discipline. And lots of it.
How 'bout stretching them out on a cold concrete basement floor and taking turns spanking, branding, and raping them?
Sandia said:
How 'bout stretching them out on a cold concrete basement floor and taking turns spanking, branding, and raping them?

Sounds like you've given this some thought...poor spelling's a hot-button with you?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I Quit

FungiUg said:
Sorry, but I don't feel ridiculed or persecuted. Oh sure, there are occasional trouble makers (ala one rather memorable one by the name of Lance a few months back.) But they are a minority.

Maybe it's because I'm big enough and scary enough and verbose enough to stick up for myself?

Anyway, I live my life for me, and I make my own choices. I am not a sheep. If others decide to misunderstand or ridicule me, I am happy to educate or ignore them as the case may be.

Well said, but I can be even more blunt. Outsiders can post what they want, they are ignorant, and will stay that way. Nothing anyone pro or con can say will make one iota of difference in My life or my lifestyle. So all they can do is do what they do best...blow spoke up my virtual ass!
incubus_dark said:
In my experience, people who post messages declaring that they are leaving a bulletin board, on line community or whatever, are seeking attention. If they didn't wish to seek attention they'd just go. Are you telling us becuase you want to have people tell you how wonderful, valuable and indispensable you are? Because you think your viewpoint hasn't been addressed as you would like? Or something else?

Think it is known as 'putting your money where your mouth is', 'biting the bullet', 'standing up for what you believe' and having the courage to publicly declare it, which to me is honorable and so rare these days.

Lancecastor said:
I always find it hilarious that BDSM people can preach about openess and their desire to be free to have sex in alternative ways....yet always the very first ones to try and legislate how you think, talk, spell, punctuate and post on an anonymous internet chat site.

What total fucking hypocrisy it is for MissIt'sAllGood to unilaterally decide we need a new Forum and that some of our thoughts don't rank with "her" vision! Fuck you.

Free speech my ass...I've never seen any group anywhere as closed-minded as the arseholes who've Moderated the BDSM Forum.

It's called protecting your ass. When you are attacked by outsiders who find their life so boring and intellect obviously so low this is their only alternative, you have a right to protect what you adhere to as what is considered a minority group, despite the antics of certain spoilt brat mainstreamers who think they are the 'demigods' and rightful moral police of all they wish to rule over. Professionally speaking I would say you have a huge problem with insecurity and this is most likely only one of the ways it manifests itself. My suggestion would be to seek professional counseling at the least to pinpoint your problems, then deal with them, thus having a much more enriched and full life and in the doing, leave others to live their lives without your pervading presence interferring constantly like a fly on a summer's day.

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Sandia said:
How 'bout stretching them out on a cold concrete basement floor and taking turns spanking, branding, and raping them?

Seems you need to stop playing with L for a bit and educate yourself on what is BDSM, and what is offensive in this forum. Or better still, as I think from the company you keep and your totally misguided statement, that education would be a waste of time and perhaps it is just better you crawl back under the rock you crawled out from to try and find amusement at the expense of others

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