I think I'm being quietly stalked by male subs

Re: Re: Re: I think I'm being quietly stalked by male subs

pagan switch said:
I thought you were a dom? :confused:

Yup, and a noisy one at that!
I got stranger pms early on, and don't get much now. Didn't get that funny one from the male sub, so guess you (and KC) ARE special, ADR.

My fave was from 19 year old who had read I'm in my forties, liked a specific post and offered to fly out and stay in motel near me for my convenience and so hubby wouldn't have to know. Nice description of assets. Actually wrote that one back to turn him down nicely but firmly. Keep the pm though, to annoy hubby. :D

Least fave read something like this: I wunt to see yer pic.
So my sweetie and I hunted around on the web for something amusing to oblige, but he seemed to have quit Lit. :cool:

Lately I only get them from the married, older and articulate, which, while an improvement in some ways, means they didn't read the 'happily' part of my married mention in profile, and the lack of any mention there of polyamory interests.

Otherwise my stalker pms are only from stalkees I already flirt with on board. ;) :rose:

Come to think of it, I've never gotten a pm from a male sub, Netzach, stalker or no.
Netzach said:

I guess I'm scary.

Only girls seem to be brave enough to stalk me.:heart:

Maybe cuz you're a real domme?

I don't stalk on boards with PMs, only on messageboards only to jest with people.