It is refreshing to see a few women at least toying with the idea of bondage and spanking. I agree there is nothing like the site of a women held taught , though I much prefer leather cuffs holding hands high over head while she stands at attention. Then I have full access to all that stands before me. I would of course be much to gentle, starting with peacock feathers run over buttocks and down inner thighs, until you scream for more attention than a mere feather can supply. we would work our way up that special, slowly building ladder that takes you from here, to subspace, once their I would feed that tremendous glazed look in your eye that tells me you are transformed, new in all your birched splendor, fueled for passion, wanting to climb from this place as close to heaven as earthly force can take you, and just before you think your sense's can endure no more ecstacy, your wings clipped back by forcefull orgasmic relief;you crash back into the reality of your tired body, gentley finding sleep upon your masters bed. No more restful sleep abounds in this mere mortal place. Go forth in the world my pet, return when you require masters hand to take you back to that special place that only we create. Love hath no reward like the spell we weave upon each others souls . Soon you wil yearn to travel once more on masters strength of character. Your iron coach awaits.
I was mistaken , MISSTAKEN, to bad your Taken. If your ever in the 613, Ottawa, Kingston, Brockville Area, Im sure we could find a Timmy's for coffee.
Half of the fun in going across the border is getting Timmy's coffee. The nearest is an hour from here, so I have to stop at all the rest stops for refreshers!