iambic pentameter

wildsweetone said:
...time to change the AV dear? *grin*

Okay ignore me, I'm in one of those moods and better off not posting.

I'm working on the second verse. Got the first line but the second one doesn't work yet. Ah well, it's the weekend here so I'll have some time to play about and pull my hair out.

Change MY Av? I just found that picture today! Didn't know it still existed! Honey? That was

The Summer Of Love!

How little did I know what was in store for me in the times ahead!!
I am so not going to explain what I meant in public. Serves me right for saying it. lol

It's a beautiful pic Boo, leave it up. You look gorgeous and no wonder the summer of '68 was wonderful. :)

*head down carrying on with wretched poem...
Scattered afar, evening mumbles retained grrrr*
wildsweetone said:
I am so not going to explain what I meant in public. Serves me right for saying it. lol

It's a beautiful pic Boo, leave it up. You look gorgeous and no wonder the summer of '68 was wonderful. :)

*head down carrying on with wretched poem...
Scattered afar, evening mumbles retained grrrr*

Are you not in America? Or how old are you anyway??

The Summer Of Love wasn't my personal thing- it was a historic event!
I'm a kiwi, true blue through and through and proud to be one. :)

Summer of '68... I should have known/remembered... but I was 5, so please forgive me for not hanging on the events of Americans... I barely knew your country existed before I was 10. lol

ps I'm glad you weren't born yesterday. :) It shows in your writing. :)
Reltne said:
Doesn't anyone else read "evening" as three sylables? :(

I read evening when referring to a time of day, and evening when referring to the act of leveling or balancing.
Reltne said:
Doesn't anyone else read "evening" as three sylables? :(

I was just wondering the same thing. I thought that why old poems used 'ev'ning'...but, on thinking about it, about the only time I can really put a finger on evening as a time of day having three syllables is the movie "Dracula"...otherwise, evening with three syllables sounds like I'm trying to level something out... <g>
The_Fool said:
I wrote my first triolet, villanelle and sestina drinking Scotch...... :D

<suppressed gagging sounds>
Sorry...Scotch has just never been anything like a favorite of mine. 'Bout the nicest thing I can say about a glass of scotch is 'least it ain't gin'.

Although, I will say...my wife made a scotch-based cordial for an SCA function once that wasn't half bad...

BooMerengue said:
Change MY Av? I just found that picture today! Didn't know it still existed! Honey? That was

The Summer Of Love!

....I'm in love with love, love, love
For everyone transcends here
I'm thinking of you-ou-ou....

<dashing off, dancing>
Practising to get my ears listening...

I wrote this today whilst at my mother's when I was borrowing her washing machine. They have a great place in the country and the birds were singing their little hearts out. I was by myself and yet, not alone. :)

Wash Day Wonders

The tumbled leaves all crackle underfoot
And evergreens sway soft in autumn breeze.
Beneath the fire the wood has turned to soot
The eye can see beyond to furthest tree.

Far hills, endowed in pine trees glow with charm
A paddock’s left in fallow for a crop.
The distant view is peace and full of calm
A vital need we never want to stop.

The amber trees are burning fires of hell
All glowing red and golden for today.
The leaves will sweetly whisper but not tell
That which is coming for the month of May.

We know the fires will burn so bright each night
And early morn will bring the damp and cold.
The warmth within these walls will sure delight
The tale inside will not remain untold.

The hawk dives swiftly for his slinking meal
Brown eyes alert great talons sharp and strong.
He captures rat and causes him to squeal
Rat twists and turns and cries, but not for long.

With hawk content to sit and watch the wind
The autumn day takes on a brighter hue.
Tall silver birches stand bare and thick-skinned
Gold tumbled leaves sit ‘waiting morning’s dew.

So... have I sustained the beat properly?
wildsweetone said:
Practising to get my ears listening...

I wrote this today whilst at my mother's when I was borrowing her washing machine. They have a great place in the country and the birds were singing their little hearts out. I was by myself and yet, not alone. :)

Wash Day Wonders

The tumbled leaves all crackle underfoot
And evergreens sway soft in autumn breeze.
Beneath the fire the wood has turned to soot
The eye can see beyond to furthest tree.

Far hills, endowed in pine trees glow with charm
A paddock’s left in fallow for a crop.
The distant view is peace and full of calm
A vital need we never want to stop.

The amber trees are burning fires of hell
All glowing red and golden for today.
The leaves will sweetly whisper but not tell
That which is coming for the month of May.

We know the fires will burn so bright each night
And early morn will bring the damp and cold.
The warmth within these walls will sure delight
The tale inside will not remain untold.

The hawk dives swiftly for his slinking meal
Brown eyes alert great talons sharp and strong.
He captures rat and causes him to squeal
Rat twists and turns and cries, but not for long.

With hawk content to sit and watch the wind
The autumn day takes on a brighter hue.
Tall silver birches stand bare and thick-skinned
Gold tumbled leaves sit ‘waiting morning’s dew.

So... have I sustained the beat properly?

Yay!! Bravo!! Good job, baby!!
