If my husband knows I am cheating, will it turn him into a cuck?

Yes, I suppose he's a cuckold when he doesn't know about it. Not necessarily a willing one.

If he knows about it and puts up with it, he's a wittol. A tame cuckold though maybe unwilling.

When I posted in BDSM discussion that how my affair likely have turned me into a sub. Many users suggested I should let my husband know about this.
I am now realizing maybe my worse fear is not he will not accept this. But that 'he will' and he will actively try to either change himself to be dom, a task in which he had tried before and failed. Or he will change himself into a cuck.
I guess that's my worse fear. Because like women in your story, I will not like my husband to know what I am upto. Or what is being done to me. Not only he will feel 'it's not safe' in terms of hardcore, but he will also feel emasculated.
I know he is not alpha man type, but he is still confident at work, still a stable person. Very career oriented. Even though we both earn, he insists on he paying for most of the bills and I save for my parents etc.
Last thing I want that he allocating his mental energy to his wife's exploits.
I think telling my husband would be a lose -lose situation.

I am Indian, married. Living in UK. Doctor by profession.

Related my treads in BDSM discussion


Everyone reacts differently to this. I am a husband to a wife that sees another man. It was a shock in our 20s when I found out she had cheated. Once we got past that it has become our biggest turn on and has kept our sex life alive.
I think the best outcome for you is if he's into open relationships. Even then it sounds like he'll be worrying for you if he knows the details of your bdsm nights.

None of us know him like you do. So whether you should talk, or ease him into this and see his reaction before confessing, or just keep it secret...will all depend on how you think he'll react. But be careful cause once the cat is out of the bag, there's no putting it back

So all that said... If your only two options are tell him or not to tell him, then I'd suggest not to tell him
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When I posted in BDSM discussion that how my affair likely have turned me into a sub. Many users suggested I should let my husband know about this.
I am now realizing maybe my worse fear is not he will not accept this. But that 'he will' and he will actively try to either change himself to be dom, a task in which he had tried before and failed. Or he will change himself into a cuck.
I guess that's my worse fear. Because like women in your story, I will not like my husband to know what I am upto. Or what is being done to me. Not only he will feel 'it's not safe' in terms of hardcore, but he will also feel emasculated.
I know he is not alpha man type, but he is still confident at work, still a stable person. Very career oriented. Even though we both earn, he insists on he paying for most of the bills and I save for my parents etc.
Last thing I want that he allocating his mental energy to his wife's exploits.
I think telling my husband would be a lose -lose situation.

I am Indian, married. Living in UK. Doctor by profession.

Related my treads in BDSM discussion


do you want him to?

When I posted in BDSM discussion that how my affair likely have turned me into a sub. Many users suggested I should let my husband know about this.
I am now realizing maybe my worse fear is not he will not accept this. But that 'he will' and he will actively try to either change himself to be dom, a task in which he had tried before and failed. Or he will change himself into a cuck.
I guess that's my worse fear. Because like women in your story, I will not like my husband to know what I am upto. Or what is being done to me. Not only he will feel 'it's not safe' in terms of hardcore, but he will also feel emasculated.
I know he is not alpha man type, but he is still confident at work, still a stable person. Very career oriented. Even though we both earn, he insists on he paying for most of the bills and I save for my parents etc.
Last thing I want that he allocating his mental energy to his wife's exploits.
I think telling my husband would be a lose -lose situation.

I am Indian, married. Living in UK. Doctor by profession.

Related my treads in BDSM discussion


You’ e already cuckolded him.

Let him respond!

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