If you accidentally killed your man....

Well I haven't actually heard of any reported cases of this exact scenario happening, but the reverse has. Back home several years ago, a couple of naughty policemen decided to take a couple of naughty ladies for a drive in the police car to a local make out location on a small mountain. Seems one lady was hungry and started nibbling on her policeman who just hapened to be the driver before they got there. Unfortunately, he was not as adept at handling the attention and driving as some may be, and the car went off the mountain. All were killed, the lady in question found with her romeo's bit off cock stuck in her throat.

PinkOrchid said:
I don't know the case, so I don't really have any answers for you. There could be a number of reasons, only a few of which are the age of the body when they found it (DNA degrades after a short time), she used condoms, it occurred before DNA testing was available in that municipality, they may have never suspected a woman so didn't test for it, the investigating agency was incompetent. I could go on.

Although not directly my field, I have to agree fully with PinkOrchid here. In the gathering of forensic evidence it is almost impossible to test for everything, there are just too many possibilities, it would not be very cost effective.

The forensic scientist uses next to a great amount of knowledge also probable causes and most likely event scenarios to gather evidence.

catalina_francisco said:
The forensic scientist uses next to a great amount of knowledge also probable causes and most likely event scenarios to gather evidence.

ok..they can use pretty much anything that comes off your body natrualy to prosicute you. skin cells, hair, bodily secretions, finger nails..you name it, they can pull dna or something else off it and use it to convict you.. i mean hell they can pull finger prints off of a corpse, what makes you think they couldn't use vaginal excreations to obtain a DNA sample and test it against any women they were dateing.. it really wouldn't be hard at all... expecialy because if they have been playing around, thier are chances that thier are small pulls or scrapes to the vaginal liening (hey this is damn easy to do) that could leave small blood trace amounts.

and as for me i'd come clean. the worst they could actualy pin you with is probably invoulintary man slaughter (expecialy sence they repealed the sodomy laws here in texas, whoo hooo beers steers and queers!) anyways you'd just need a good lawyer..i'm absolutely postive thier have been incidents like this that have happened before, most of them are probably kept on the hush hush though...
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