If you could change a part(s) of your body, what would it be?

Let me intrude here if I may. My stepmother (being the bitch she is) is a very small woman. All of 4'9". When she shops for jeans and such, you will find her in the childrens section. Blessing you say??? When her and my father married we spent weeks on end trying to find her a dress. Even the women sizes that were sized small enough were too long for what she wanted. EVENTUALLY there was a dress found, but she never got what she really was looking for. Being the more filled out person I am, yes I could be upset at how petty that problem sounds, but I can understand it too. I mean, I have a hard time shopping for clothes. I just have a better chance at finding the right length.
Originally posted by felix:

3. My response was earnest and deadly serious -- perhaps too much so for this forum.

Okay, if your response had no alterior motives I propose a truce. Thanks for reading what I had to say.

I don't know where you live but here in Texas there are seriously tons of stores that dote on smaller women, I really could name over a half a dozen. Eme if you'd like the names.
As for junior miss sizes, I wear them myself, and find that many of their items are the same as reular fashions for adults.

As for beebeeblue, I was in NO WAY treating the "plight" of "smallness" that way. I DO realize the problems they go through trust me....I was just picking on felix (sorry felix..).. although as I said again, the clothing store thing is just not a problem where I live. Read my earlier posts for more info.

There is nothing more offensive than someone responding to your post when they didn't read the whole thing! ugh!

Will someone please give Felix a newspaper column or advice book deal or late night talk show on Manhattan cable?
Originally posted by Jade:
Okay, if your response had no alterior motives I propose a truce. Thanks for reading what I had to say.

This is great -- peace breaks out before I even knew war had been declared! It's like Grenada minus the rum drinks.

I don't know where you live but here in Texas there are seriously tons of stores that dote on smaller women, I really could name over a half a dozen. Eme if you'd like the names.
As for junior miss sizes, I wear them myself, and find that many of their items are the same as reular fashions for adults.

Thanks. Actually, we have had good luck in San Francisco too. The large Asian-American community means lots of smaller women to dress. My girlfriend thought she was having an out-of-body experience when she walked around Union Square and was taller than many of the women on the street.

As for junior miss sizes, I wear them myself, and find that many of their items are the same as reular fashions for adults.

My girlfriend actually gets a kick out of shopping at Gap for Kids. Often times, the exact same items (in the same sizes, as the ranges overlap) are twice the price at the regular Gap.

I was just picking on felix (sorry felix..)

Fire away -- I'm fair game, and I don't mind at all.

My only request is that I get poked for what I actually say.

There is nothing more offensive than someone responding to your post when they didn't read the whole thing! ugh!

Have you been talking to my old English teachers?

Thanks for an interesting exchange.

Originally posted by Dixon Carter Lee:
Will someone please give Felix a newspaper column or advice book deal or late night talk show on Manhattan cable?

No time for it -- I've got to keep writing three-page posts for the board. I am, however, considering opening a small boutique on Melrose; I think I'll call it "Polemics 'R Us."

What would I change? Well, I found when I was losing weight that I could not decrease the size of my waist/lower abdomen. Pants and jeans would fit around my waist, but be two sizes too big in the butt and thighs. Get them to fit my thighs and butt and there was no way I could comfortably get them to fasten.

I have to comment on the couch thing. I'm 5'6" (5'6 1/2" before disc surgery
). I never sat on my couch because it didn't 'fit'. I don't konw how many couches and loveseats I looked at. No need to sit on them, I could tell they were too big. The sales people thought I was crazy and would eventually walk away. Fortunately, I did finally find what I was looking for. You should have seen the look on the salesgirl's face when we were walking to the back of the store to get the catalogs and I stopped, sat down, crossed my legs and said "I'll take this one."
Originally posted by felix:

Thanks for an interesting exchange.



Thank you back!
Hope we get the pleasure of talking again!


I don't know what the hell they are thinking when they make those stupid size charts..... they never seem to match anyone!
