If you stopped publishing here today...

I was writing long before I came to Lit, and I imagine/hope that I'd keep writing after I leave, whatever the reason for the departure might be. I would miss the ready readership on Lit, among other things. I'd probably keep writing porn, because I enjoy it, and I suppose - depending on why I left - I'd have to try to find an audience elsewhere, because I enjoy having people read it.

It's an interesting question, whether I'd be happy/proud of what I've accomplished here. I guess I don't really feel a great sense of pride in what I do here. I have a certain amount of pride in my writing in general, but not really Lit in particular. This is where I put my steamy stuff, which I don't think is necessarily my best work. If for one reason or another I had to cut out this side of my writing life it would be more like setting aside an amusing and diverting pastime than excising some essential part of who I am. Writing in general would be a different story.

So I guess short answer, no, I wouldn't be particularly proud of what I've accomplished here, but that's okay. I wouldn't be ashamed of it either, nor would I regret it. I'm having fun, and that's enough.
I find this difficult to answer as I have a complicated relationship with Literotica 🫤
I am proud of what I published here, even if I am quite certain I could have written it better had I invested myself fully rather than casually. Still, I think my work is nothing to be ashamed of, both in the sense of quality and in the sense of the type of content. The regret I might end up having is not finishing my long stories since in sort of a protest, I stopped writing altogether until I find a more satisfying arrangement. There are also dozens of stories floating in my mind that might or might not find their way into the light for better or worse ;)
It's a fun place to practice prose, and let my inhibitions go. I feel that Lit's done an outstanding job of balancing free speech with their content guidelines, right in that sweet spot between overly sanitized and flat out creepy stuff. It'd be a shame to lose that. But, yeah, I'm happy enough.
I did quit, back in 2006, but crept back to read stuff and then decided to write a bit more.

I'm pretty proud (this coming from someone who dislikes everything I do) especially of the two long stories recently, deciding to just do it in one, rather than chapters.

I'm also pretty proud of some of the characters in the stories too, some of them really came to life as I wrote.
I've enjoyed my four years of writing nine different stories with a total of 70 chapters, which to my utter, and humble, amazement were very well received by many readers. Occasionally there would be a comment that would put a lump in my throat, that i had touched an emotional part of a reader's heart.

I had never written anything like what came out of my imagination and into my computer. And over those fours years i have seen my creative erotic writing skill improve greatly.

Being semi retired mechanical engineer, it was a break from writing technical engineering reports.

It was also a welcomed break, and a distraction, from all of the stuff going on in the world. At times it was been a labor of love in developing the characters, and yes... even falling in love with some and shedding a tear. Many times, just sitting back and asking myself, "Where did that come from? Did i really write that?".

I can't see myself stopping. I suppose the day will come when the brain cells just don't want to cooperate. But, until then... It's 'on to the next story'.
For whatever reason (other than passing on, no need to be morbid here) you've decided you're hanging it up here on lit. Would you be happy/proud of what you published here in your time? Do you think you could have written more? Is there a category you kept saying you were going to try and didn't? A bucket list type of accomplishment you didn't achieve, or the one story that nagged at you, but for whatever reason you never got to. Or...is it 'all good' in your eyes?
I basically stopped publishing at Literotica, because I'm too busy publishing for pay.
I don't publish with any great frequency here. I don't publish stories at Amazon and other sites with the frequency required to be fully successful. I love to write and I get some of that from work and some of that from working for me. I don't plan on leaving here.
I am pretty new to writing, and I don’t publish very frequently either, but the comments on my stories encouraged me to write more. If I stop writing it will probably be because I ran out of ideas worth exploring.
I'd be happy with the stories I've posted here (because they're 😉 AMAZING!), but I'm trying to post (an at least incidental) CFNM story in every themed Literotica category featuring my recurring MC, so I'd be unsatisfied because I'm yet to achieve that goal... I'm getting closer, but there are still a handful of categories I need to visit...😕
I'd be happy with the stories I've posted here (because they're 😉 AMAZING!), but I'm trying to post (an at least incidental) CFNM story in every themed Literotica category featuring my recurring MC, so I'd be unsatisfied because I'm yet to achieve that goal... I'm getting closer, but there are still a handful of categories I need to visit...😕
That sounds like an interesting challenge! Good Luck!
I'm happy with my stories I've posted here. All 2 of them. I tried to post a 3rd and it was falsely rejected for AI. So I'm not sure if I am going to publish here anymore. Still thinking about it. I have published 6 books on Amazon/Smashwords/B&N/Apple Books/Kobo etc. I'm not making much with them but that's not really my priority. I find it a little more satisfying to see my books published on those sites rather than Lit. Not sure why. Maybe it's because I can see the book covers?
I'm proud of some of the stories I've posted here, and even some of my less coherent ones have added to the diversity of filth available - various disabled characters, in particular, but I've delved into effects of crap families, feminism, sexiness of scientists, contrasting London dialects based on age, and an in-depth study of the UK legal system for pornographic purposes.

And practically been a tourism ad for London and should be paid to promote Premier Inn (other hotel chains are available, Bad Brat Girl takes place in a more upmarket hotel so that a sofa and ice are available).

I've got more stories to tell and characters to portray, so while I've just about reached 1 million views, I'll keep posting here while I'm able to produce stories. It's easy to publish and reach eyeballs here.

Currently it's unlikely to be worth the effort to me of trying to sell work, because my stories are rather varied and don't have a clear niche for marketing to, and covers and such are more hassle than I can deal with atm. I may set up a Patreon, though. If I want to be known for realistic kink, sexual disabled people, and snarky Londoners, not to mention the scientists, Lit works atm. No accusations of being a AI bot yet...
I would be content if I had to stop posting stories on Literotica. Most of mine received a "Hot" rating, which makes me VERY proud. And I just posted my 50th story, which is a nice milestone. I can say that I told the tales that I wanted to tell, whether people liked them or not.

One category that I haven't attempted but intend to is science fiction. Erotic sci-fi could be fun.