If you were published under your real name

Oh my god, prospective employers, I didn't even THINK of that... ok, my original "no" has just been carved in stone. (I'm a social worker.)
I've been published 3 times: In the staff newsletter at mum's job when I was 8 (a poem about fairies and spiderwebs), an essay when I was 12 (against toy weapons), and another essay when I was 14 (about working in a daycare center).

I think it's all prescribated by now.;)

No, I wouldn't tell everyone, only my friends.

perdita said:
Nyet. I've had a few poems published in poetry/lit journals but I wouldn't give my real name (which I love) here simply because of the exposure to the less than savory reading population I've heard so much about, though encountered in feedback only a few times. That't too bad because exposure on Lit. would, I presume, bring more outside (paying) readers to Lit. authors.

Bridget: I like your AV, calls to mind some of Matisse's women. Is it your work?

Pops. I too find voltage and amperage talk suggestively kinky; but then my gaze turns to kink so readily. May we discuss wiring in private? All my parts are in working order, just need a bit of a starter switch I think.

Perdita ;)

I'm on my way darling, starter switch in hand, wink, and my wire is in full working order for you, it can take any current you wish to apply to it.
I just hope I don't blow a fuse prematurely:D

Crap aint it love.

Just-Legal said:
Anything that involved my real name would not involve this site.


My ex partner is currently awaiting trial on rape, assault and battery charges. ON ME.

He is a techno whizz and is on the internet regularly.

He googles my name regularly.

If he pulled this site... he would probably pull my stories as evidence of my "sexual perversion" and use them in the case against me.

My lawyer has advised against using any more than my first name here until the case has gone to trial.

After that... who knows?

Shit how they could use your little flirtation here against you in a case against him isn't it love.
About time rape victims had a little more privacy and help.

Still once he's convicted you can take heart that his high flying techno wizzard days could be numbered, high profile firms don't employ guys with that kind of record.

What, am I the only one who'll own up? Ah, well ... fortune favors the bold ...

Real name: Christine Morgan

Fantasy Novels:
The MageLore Trilogy --
1. Curse of the Shadow Beasts
2. Dark of the Elvenwood
3. Archmage of the Universe
The ElfLore Trilogy --
1. Silversilk
2. Knight of the Basilisk
3. Truegold

Horror Novels:
Black Roses

Children's Fiction (as C.M. Morgan):
Silver Doorway #1 -- A Gnome Away From Home

Short stories:
"Dawn of the Living-Impaired" in The Book of All Flesh
"Seven Brains, Ten Minutes" in The Book of Final Flesh
"The Reaching Wall" in Cthulhu Sex Magazine

That's all that's in print at the moment, though I will have stories appearing in other upcoming anthologies.

So ... how's about picking up some books, people? ;)

Erotica is another word for Romance isn't it?

If they bought my other stuff, why wouldn't they like to read some of my free stuff here?

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man

PS: Still having computer problems, but I'm working on it.
Re: Crap aint it love.

pop_54 said:
Shit how they could use your little flirtation here against you in a case against him isn't it love.
About time rape victims had a little more privacy and help.

Still once he's convicted you can take heart that his high flying techno wizzard days could be numbered, high profile firms don't employ guys with that kind of record.


Which is one small mercy because I'm convinced he was doing things he shouldn't have been doing at work... Don't make me elaborate it makes me feel sick thinking about it...

His arguement has always been I'm a dirty little slut (semi true) who decided I didn't like the way our little "game" was going which is why I'm crying rape (absolute bullshit).

My response is that,

a) he tied me up with rope, and I STILL have the rope burn scars,
b) he tied me up in a GARAGE and
c) there is NO evidence of my consent. My clothes were in shreds ect ect ect

Hence no stories from me for a while... As soon as he's in jail... who knows.

*le sigh*