Ignore this thread


I was going to say nice thread and stroke the post, but that sounds so very very


Wednesdays are for Whimsy

The day's a mess, relieve your stress.
Share a tale of woe.
A good technique about midweek:
let your feelings flow.

Take your time. Make a rhyme.
You know the reason why.
Search your head. Bump this thread. :)
It's way to young to die.
The existential nature of this thread reminded me of a sestina I wrote once.

Perhaps, lost wandering Hades,
the once famed mage Pythagoras
ponders between myth and what is,
"What fine line lies between the indefinite,"
but his thoughts are cut short, "Oh, sir,"
interrupts a small demon, "time for your comeuppance."

"What do you mean, comeuppance?
I do not know they'd taken up torture in Hades."
The demon shrugged, "Just doing my job, sir."
With that said, the demon left Pythagoras
and without warning if such a departure was indefinite
leaving him to consider if was not or is

And so everything is either/or, not or is
plagued by such thoughts became his comeuppance
either to be free or to suffer indefinite
Indeed! Is is either/or. "Hades!"
Such thoughts would grip Pythagoras
Only to be interrupted again, "Oh, sir."

"You toy with me," he'd reply, "for I am no sir."
"But all that you are must remain what is,"
taunted the demon back to Pythagoras,
"for certainly such ideas become your comeuppance."
"Yet, had I such thoughts before I came to Hades?"
he'd ask back, "Why need I define indefinite?"

"Certainly such a task is definitely indefinite."
To which the demon chuckled, "So sure are you, sir?
Then how far to the bounds of Hades?"
The myth past death had become what is,
either that, or simply his comeuppance
The absolute truth would define Pythagoras

Unless the is that is is not Pythagoras
All that is is either/or, definite or indefinite
Defined straight out of existence, "Indeed, comeuppance!"
Unless, of course, the torture is..."Oh, sir?"
"Oh, bother, bugger, and drats is what it is.
Thus I reside in what you call Hades."

And so in Hades did reside Pythagoras
"Is what is not so definitely indefinite?"
"Oh, sir, it's time for your comeuppance."

Some notes here:
the first three words I choose myself, in that order. The last three words I picked "at random" from a dictionary in that same order.
E-Prime primer: No = 0. Yes = 1. Very Aristotle in it's logic. Yet, there's the possibility for a middle ground, a maybe. Maybe = .5 Ah, but could I not say that something resides closer to yes or no than .5? What about a statement more .25? Where should that lay? The argument proceeds that Yes equaling 1 can not truly find expression to man, while No=0 most certain can. In between these lay the spectrum of possible. To say something "IS" defines it as "Yes" in that regard, and hence makes the statement including an "IS" to some degree inaccurate. E-Prime endeavors to remove such inaccuracies by removing the use of "is," "being" and personnel possessives.
Likewise, I choose Pythagoras as a mage intentionally, as math appears no more precise to yours truly than any other language. 3.141596254, etc ad nausea, ad infinitum.

Homer, you've finally given this thread a raison d'etre! Up to now it has been the very definition of indefinite....
Re: Sestina

Angeline said:
Homer, you've finally given this thread a raison d'etre! Up to now it has been the very definition of indefinite....

The reason being existentialism, or confusion?

having ignored this thread, as much as possible, i am somehow , not surprised to see it doing remarkably well.... :)
beths-virtue said:
having ignored this thread, as much as possible, i am somehow , not surprised to see it doing remarkably well.... :)

Is this a challenge to kill this thread then? And exactly how would you kill something about nothing... ? In order to kill a thread, wouldn't you really have to ignore it, and wouldn't that then be the original objective of the thread to be ignored?

I think I hear a tree falling....

Angeline, you've given us a thread that we don't know what to do with. So we do everything and anything with it. It will live on forever!
This is

the antithread thread. I love it. It has a cult following. And like a vampire, it cannot die.
My Sweet Child

My innocent beautiful daughter just walked in and sang the following to me:

Joy to the world.
Barney's dead.
We barbequed his head!

What happened to his body?
We flushed it down the potty,
and round and round it goes


(there is poetry in our blood, I tell you)
Its just like sienfeld, eventually the stars will want to much from the rest of the network!

HomerPindar said:
Is this a challenge to kill this thread then? And exactly how would you kill something about nothing... ? In order to kill a thread, wouldn't you really have to ignore it, and wouldn't that then be the original objective of the thread to be ignored?

I think I hear a tree falling....

Re: My Sweet Child

Angeline said:
My innocent beautiful daughter just walked in and sang the following to me:

Joy to the world.
Barney's dead.
We barbequed his head!

What happened to his body?
We flushed it down the potty,
and round and round it goes


(there is poetry in our blood, I tell you)

LOL... the implications... no no...really, they are too horrid to speak of...
_Land said:
Its just like sienfeld, eventually the stars will want to much from the rest of the network!

And the whole constelation will come crashing down....!

(actually, I'm still laughing at barney in the lue....loo? lew? leud? oh, nevermind)

mid-week is the muse's day off

Odd, how a day that starts with a
Double You
and ends with
doesn't inspire.

anomalies both:
WedNesDay and FebRuAry

and perhaps too
they are both
more than just a little bit
happy thursday, my 13 YO son is sleeping quietly hes suffering ear infection,
my 2 YO daughter's feeding leftover fries to the dog, and my love is somewhere in the sky, on his mission of salvation, oh how i miss him, and hes only been gone a few hours, .....
A Poem

I just finished this--should I post it at Lit or save it for god knows where?

Apple of His Eye

Almost anyone can eat an apple, toothless young and old excepted,
but even a few teeth and one can make slow albeit steady work of it.
Of course there are decisions to make: even apple eating begs decisions
made by eater or server before partaking: is it red or green and what variety?

There are so many choices: Gold Delicious almost pearlike in fragrance
color, mild taste though not so pliant in its flesh, and Granny Smith
a little sour and appropriately biting for the age of her name yet like so
many Grandmas satisfying, holding on to still a bit of sweetness with the tart.

Red delicious is the apple of my mind’s theater, in imagination ever
picture perfect orb of red of shine, its flesh crisp almost too juicy
so much so surely Evil Queen served Snow White Red Delicious--
one half filled with poison--knowing such innocence daren't question

tasty brilliance sweetly shared with kindly crone who frankly did share
unlike my father who colored the entire Snow White poster well except for sky
(he did let me color sky) at age six and thus I won the Snow White Poster Contest,
staying neatly in the lines for perhaps the only time in my life, and thus I confess

that really I was crooked out of line I confess here hiding near the end of poem
that I would pay you back if I remembered who you were but do know that
I felt a fraud upon the stage a baby still and yet aware to feign humility mounting the
stage, accepting the award, handing an apple to Miss Janet Cutter in gesture symbolic

of my child innocence yet empty till I saw my father’s eyes on me my orphaned father
ever at the dentist for the lack of childhood nutrition in the orphanage no fruit ever
always stopping at fruit stands always wanting the richness of red sweetness of flesh
my father in the audience awash in pride’s orchard and me the apple of his loving eyes.
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Ok, Ang....I have a question... why do you question whether you should submit this?

Oh, and what about Kallisti? You know, the golden apple of gold tossed in by Eris.... That's MY apple of choice :D

Them Apples

Oh, and what about Kallisti? You know, the golden apple of gold tossed in by Eris.... That's MY apple of choice

I also love the story of Diana and the Three Golden Apples. When I was a little kid I was lucky enough to see Leonard Bernstein conduct one of those young people's symphony concerts, with Danny Kaye narrating and they told that story with music. It's a magical memory, but I finished the poem and it was too late to work it in, lol.

Normally I would post everything, but I'm trying to publish and thinking I should start holding back some of the nonerotic stuff.

And Homer, loved those poems you posted today, especially that throwing away one--really nice.
oohhh , i want

Idun's apples, the golden apples protected by goddess idun , the daily eating of which kept all the norse goddesses and gods eternally young and beautifull.....

or, recently been craving a gooey delicious caramel apple, with nuts, just specificly there to get stuck in your teeth , a mc intosh or granny smith caramel apple, sweet and juicy and tart...

darn , and i have to go to work today ....
Re: Them Apples

Angeline said:
Oh, and what about Kallisti? You know, the golden apple of gold tossed in by Eris.... That's MY apple of choice

I also love the story of Diana and the Three Golden Apples. When I was a little kid I was lucky enough to see Leonard Bernstein conduct one of those young people's symphony concerts, with Danny Kaye narrating and they told that story with music. It's a magical memory, but I finished the poem and it was too late to work it in, lol.

Normally I would post everything, but I'm trying to publish and thinking I should start holding back some of the nonerotic stuff.

And Homer, loved those poems you posted today, especially that throwing away one--really nice.

In reverse order: thanks! I posted those in the tides thread (JUDO started that one) earlier...seeing as no one posted any comments, I figured they were ready as is :)

As for holding back...as a think a number of publishers are reluctant to publish material already available online for free...that's probably a good idea. Then again, I know the author of "Ain't no bodies business if you do: A look at concensual crime in a free state" (his name escapes my wine haze at the moment, william something?) has self published his best sellers online for years. then again, he aint no poet..

Damn, danny kaye doing Kallisti? lucky you...and what's this "too late"? edit editediteditediteditediteditedit :D

Re: oohhh , i want

beths-virtue said:
Idun's apples, the golden apples protected by goddess idun , the daily eating of which kept all the norse goddesses and gods eternally young and beautifull.....

or, recently been craving a gooey delicious caramel apple, with nuts, just specificly there to get stuck in your teeth , a mc intosh or granny smith caramel apple, sweet and juicy and tart...

darn , and i have to go to work today ....

the idea of combining these two into a single image is great! of course..I'm still not terribly sober at the moment...so disregard if this isn't in english after all...

stop the muddling, I'd much prefer madness
this painful slow pace is the pits

I'm losing my mind a piece at a time
I'm nearing the end of my wits

if you could arrange a shift or a change
post some fodder for thought in this thread

yada ya ya, ya yada ya ya
(the last stanza's not yet in my head)
It's a little bit late
But I'll write you a line.
It won't make much sense
But I'll try.

I'm a little too tired
and a liittle too wired
But I'm game for a go.
wonder why?

I'm a fan of OT's
From a long time ago.
He's a talented hack
Dontcha know.

He's written some stuff
Much more than just fluff
Some meaningful poems
that glow.
good poems are pleasant
they don't have to be dry
and they need not be deep
or make you cry

it's never wrong
to spend some time
to perform a random
act of rhyme

late last night
GP was inspired
( tho stroking my ego
was not required :rose: )

if writing a sonnet
seems daunting to you
just start with a limerick
or a simple haiku

sit for a minute
put pencil to pad
share a small poem
make us all glad
that chord

I am listening to something called blues.
there is a chord, that makes it so, one that runs down my spine, it mingles and tingles and gathers my times spent waiting in lines when bitchy so now blue forgiven it is a bright day after all.

so laying down on a sack of jazz with jagged edges is at last comfortable, even in line with razor intelect that drowns by the sides of the not visited missisip.

at times like these and those it is.

a strong drum and a masculine hitted bass fiddle is desirable in all times and,
that ladies sock drawer.

what a queer happenstance, to see the sun rise upsidedown with an accent and whiskers that fall into soup and onto the top of Coke cans.

Against And Unto A Pubic Republic We Stand