Illustrating you

tolyk said:
Which version of Photoshop? I recently got a trial version of Photoshop CS2, it's amazing!
Nothing as fancy. 6.0. It does what I want it to do, so I'm pretty happy with it.
CharleyH said:
Knowing some models :D I will take off on this, more in tune with what a model feels than one looking ... haphazardly of course, on the basis of whom I know:

Girl on a hanger, hung
not like a cock
meat ... both
do you see it too?

On point for the rich
and the perverts
look at my photograph
I am for you


look at me for you
what I can give
what I can charm
for you?

Never for me?
For you.

Thanks for the pay cheque.

Short and dumb, but ... I have some really cool art photos when I did some Art Direction, Liar, that might inspire you to write more than illustrate? :D
Me likey.

And yeah, throw me a bone. Pic a pic that you think goes with those words, and I'll see if I can forge them together.

Meanwhile, I'll check out Gina's
SeattleRain said:
you still on the prowl for poems?
Yes. Since Charley didn't respond, I'm outta words. Gimmie something.
Liar said:
Yes. Since Charley didn't respond, I'm outta words. Gimmie something.

I would just as soon bite my tongue than ask for help but...<grin>
I have been here two years and still have not mastered the art of Illustration posting, I draw...I am much better artist than I am a poet <grin> (don't say it) I've drawn all the AV's I have displayed

so if I give ya a poem, you can put it to illustration for me? That's cool but...I would like to know the program that pastes words on art? and what is the best format for sending in as a post? I have three stories/poems locked up in the submission page that are at a permanent stale mate I can't get them to fix them and they can't post them (@lit)

what if I send or post the drawn pic, can you put my poem to my drawing?

what's this gonna cost me? <laughing>

ps. I am doing my own cover art for ..."Portal to the Vixen Planet" by Art
my book coming out this oct. <grin> The publisher at first said no, we have a professional artist do the cover art. I had sent the PIC before I read that and they came back saying, "Oh Yes, we can use that!" <grin>
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My Erotic Tale said:
I would just as soon bite my tongue than ask for help but...<grin>
I have been here two years and still have not mastered the art of Illustration posting, I draw...I am much better artist than I am a poet <grin> (don't say it) I've drawn all the AV's I have displayed

so if I give ya a poem, you can put it to illustration for me? That's cool but...I would like to know the program that pastes words on art? and what is the best format for sending in as a post? I have three stories/poems locked up in the submission page that are at a permanent stale mate I can't get them to fix them and they can't post them (@lit)

what if I send or post the drawn pic, can you put my poem to my drawing?

what's this gonna cost me? <laughing>

ps. I am doing my own cover art for ..."Portal to the Vixen Planet" by Art
my book coming out this oct. <grin> The publisher at first said no, we have a professional artist do the cover art. I had sent the PIC before I read that and they came back saying, "Oh Yes, we can use that!" <grin>
Totally missed this post.

I use Photoshop to creats my illustrated poems. it's quite somple there. You just load a picture, click where you and your words, write them and pick fonts as in a word processor, and trag them into position. Photoshop, unless you are a pirating bastard (like me) is not cheap. But other programs like Paint Shop Pro or Gnome can do almost all things that Photoshop can do. They are cheaper and/or free of charge. Exactly how you do that in those programs, I don't know, since I don't use them. but it can't be that hard.

I'm not really diciplined enough to fuse together someone elses art and words well. And that was not the purpose of this thread. I wanna interpret poetry visually, with the imagery I see when I read it. What you suggest is a little bit too much like work to do just for the fun of it. ;)

That's why I relocated this thread now, to bump it and ask if someone wanted to have their words read, interpreted and visually ravaged. Me and my image bank is ready.

Bring it on.

how about this

I looked for something short enough with possible visual potential...?

feel free to cut it to pieces to make it fit
or completely re-write it, I am not married to the poem
just the men

Metal Promises

he clamps bands
to lobes and peaks,
folds and cartilage
anywhere you could pinch skin

tongues the loops
fingers the silver
and sends diamonds in the spotlight

with clicks on teeth
he sends gentle reminders
of pull and presence
and punishment

baby I am not going anywhere
This is an old one, Liar, and perhaps too long to work with for illustration purposes, but I would love to see your response.

Venetian Blades

Sunlight splinters at the window
and falls in shards
across her waking hip, scimitars
of pale gold that parry
with every breath then clatter
to the sheet when she raises her head.

Nap-happy eyes bat dreams
off her lashes as she smiles
and blinks Hi,
What are you doing?

...........Just watching you breathe.


Bicep pillow is cased in curls,
sideways eyes drink me
from my chair. Lazy fingertip twirl
in curl beckons

as afternoon's slanted blades
slice away cotton,
carve a bronze belly invitation.

Come back to bed.
Thanks fly and anna. I'll give those two some thought and see what I come up with. In a day or three. :)
annaswirls said:
or completely re-write it, I am not married to the poem
just the men
Typo, or pushing the envelope?
Metal Promises

It got rougher than I had expected. But I kinda like it that way.
Yes! Me too! Thank you! I feel so.... pampered or something! Like a poetic pedicure coming out all shiny and all I had to do was sit and wait for it to come out.... you are too cool.

Can I put it up on my personal site? with credit certainly
annaswirls said:
Yes! Me too! Thank you! I feel so.... pampered or something! Like a poetic pedicure coming out all shiny and all I had to do was sit and wait for it to come out.... you are too cool.

Can I put it up on my personal site? with credit certainly
By all means. I'd be honored and stuff. :)