I'm curious

ruminator said:

I'm unequally ambidextrous(sp?)...yeah,..I know.

I'm a creative contractor by trade. Both sides of my brain take turns fighting it out for domination.

It's odd in that with work, music, writing and ordinary tasks there are some things one hand naturally does better than the other. I'm also bipolar if that makes any difference.

neat thread, ange... :rose:

Thanks Rumi. ;)

Where's Tath? He's probably a righty, but I wanted to know.

And I made that Manny Ramirez comment just for him, too.

Anna, I think sp was a lefty. Evie? Do you know? And what are you Eve? lol. And Lauren? (Lauren can probably write sestinas with her toes.)

Yeah I shoulda made this a poll, but it's too hot here to think straight.
Angeline said:
And Lauren? (Lauren can probably write sestinas with her toes.)
I'm like Neo. I can do most things with either hand if I have to, but all things being equal, I'll do it with the right one.

Never took any aptitude tests - always knew what I wanted to do. :D
Lauren Hynde said:
I'm like Neo. I can do most things with either hand if I have to, but all things being equal, I'll do it with the right one.

Never took any aptitude tests - always knew what I wanted to do. :D

Rule the world? :D

Angeline said:
Thanks Rumi. ;)

Where's Tath? He's probably a righty, but I wanted to know.

And I made that Manny Ramirez comment just for him, too.

manny being manny
manny rivers to cross
manny a tears has to fall....

i'm a righty...unless i want it to feel like someone else is doing it
then i use the left
Angeline said:
how many of you poets are left-handed? I am, which supposedly means I'd be better at painting or playing music--I'm so not. I'm obsessed with words. Still, when I took those aptitude tests that tell you what career you'd succeed at, the guidance counselors always said I should be an engineer. The only thing I can construct is a sonnet. And yknow, sestinas, that stuff.

Any other southpaw poets out there?

I know it's a fluff thread. If one of you wants to make it profound with a poem, be my guest. :D

Not me, been right-handed as far back as I can remember. My mother, however, says that I was equally as likely to use either hand until sometime after I started kindergarten. She blames the nuns because even in 1970 they used to discourage children from using their left hand.
Minor threadjack

sandspike said:
(Any good ACC basketball fan knows the meaning of amphibious.)

<nothing like a good ACC fan, but went to Wake for grad school and hung out with enough undregraduates to actually follow the teams for a while>
Perhaps a guess...Terrapin fan? Gators? <shrug>
mornin Ange...

Angeline said:
how many of you poets are left-handed? I am, which supposedly means I'd be better at painting or playing music--I'm so not. I'm obsessed with words. Still, when I took those aptitude tests that tell you what career you'd succeed at, the guidance counselors always said I should be an engineer. The only thing I can construct is a sonnet. And yknow, sestinas, that stuff.

Any other southpaw poets out there?

I know it's a fluff thread. If one of you wants to make it profound with a poem, be my guest. :D


Just read this thread ...and I am both ways also...I was born left handed ...but my nana
would wack me with a wooden spoon on the back of my hand if I used it to eat breakfast with...sometimes I would sit at the table and wouldn't eat because I would refuse to use my right hand...now, I am right hand dominate...but , I can still use the left hand too..in tennis..my back hand is the only accurate placements I make...am also a bit bipolar as well...maybe left handed is more than what is seems... :nana:
Lauren Hynde said:
That's what we're going to do tomorrow, Pinky. :D

Oh all right, but the day after that I get to be Ren and *you* have to be Stimpy.

Tathagata said:
manny being manny
manny rivers to cross
manny a tears has to fall....

i'm a righty...unless i want it to feel like someone else is doing it
then i use the left

Love is a Manny splendored thing
I'm either

a lighty or a refty.....
write left
left with right
at night
when left alone

Remec said:
Not me, been right-handed as far back as I can remember. My mother, however, says that I was equally as likely to use either hand until sometime after I started kindergarten. She blames the nuns because even in 1970 they used to discourage children from using their left hand.

I used to work with this guy who had done research on brain-side dominance. He had developed a list of 50-odd behaviors that could be led with either the right or left side of the body (everything from writing to which foot you step forward with first when you go from standing still to walking, which hand you dribble a ball with, which eye you wink with, etc.). He tested this on a sample of people (he was a psychology researcher type--I used to work at the home for mad social scientists). Anyway, he found that a very miniscule portion of his sample (i.e., not at a statistically significant level) were actually dominant on one or the other side of the body.

But I think your experience (and yours dear bluerains) were pretty common. I was never asked to use my right hand to write or cut with scissors or any of that in school, but both my grandmas were lefties forced to be righties, as are two of my cousins. No nuns were involved though. :D
tungtied2u said:
a lighty or a refty.....
write left
left with right
at night
when left alone


Why are the men in this thread all sharing this additional information?

Oh right. It's Literotica. :D

Angeline said:
Why are the men in this thread all sharing this additional information?

Oh right. It's Literotica. :D


I'm a rightie, so no personal experience to share butcept this... It is the way coolest thing to be sitting in the bleachers, bases loaded, other teams toughest pitcher on the mound, my 5 and 3/4's yr old g'son has 2 strikes, everyones holding their breath... when he quietly steps across the plate, hits left handed and knocks the ball clear to the fence!!

He writes left, but he hits and throws baseballs, and kicks soccer balls equally well with either side of his body!

I call him Killer Joe!!
Angeline said:
Why are the men in this thread all sharing this additional information?

Oh right. It's Literotica. :D


surely my dear you misconstrue!

left holds bottle
right holds glass
from left to right
libations pass
by morning's light
I'm on my ass!!

Last edited:
Go Decaons

Remec said:
<nothing like a good ACC fan, but went to Wake for grad school and hung out with enough undregraduates to actually follow the teams for a while>
Perhaps a guess...Terrapin fan? Gators? <shrug>

Remec, I am a ABC fan (anybody but Carolina), that is because of my East
Carolina roots. Back in the 80's N C State had a center who scored about
30 and really had a great game. The announcer mentioned his ability to
shoot a hook with either hand. The center looked down at him and said
"No problem man. I'm amphibious."
Kinda makes me think about the IQ's of all the ambidextrous..ah.. amphibious
poets out there.
annaswirls said:
I was a tinker toy kind of girl.

and I swear I can feel my brain changing as I build more and more with leggos. Maybe I will grow up to be an engineer, but eh hem. Not.

My test said Private Investigator or a writer. My mom predicted Harlequin novel author and married to some older man in the midwest who already had children. I am not sure where that one came from. Maybe next lifetime.

I told my 4 yr old son that I wanted to be a writer when I grew up.
He told me Mommy you already ARE a writer!

Did anyone else notice the lack of already grown up in his remark?


I don't want to grow up,...ever.
4degrees said:
you're too kind. :rose:

No. I'm honest. For what my opinion is worth, I think you have a lot of talent. You write fluently and rhythmically to my ear. There is a musical quality to your writing.


Angeline said:
how many of you poets are left-handed? I am, which supposedly means I'd be better at painting or playing music--I'm so not. I'm obsessed with words. Still, when I took those aptitude tests that tell you what career you'd succeed at, the guidance counselors always said I should be an engineer. The only thing I can construct is a sonnet. And yknow, sestinas, that stuff.

Any other southpaw poets out there?

I know it's a fluff thread. If one of you wants to make it profound with a poem, be my guest. :D


I can't be profound, but I am ... not a southpaw. My aptitude test (silly things) said I should be journalist or some sort of communicator or negotiator. It was close:D, it just didn't include sex. :D
CharleyH said:
I can't be profound, but I am ... not a southpaw. My aptitude test (silly things) said I should be journalist or some sort of communicator or negotiator. It was close:D, it just didn't include sex. :D

Engineering is better for that. :D
Fame and Fortune Cookie
-a sonnet by Richard Cecil, first published in River Styx

"You've got talent but you lack ambition"
is not exactly what I'd call a fortune,
but as I hold it up to candlelight
I wag my head and chortle—That's me all right!
Whoever stuffed this message in my cookie
must have known it would be served to me
instead of to some self-promoting jerk
with zero skill, but lots of will to work:
someone like youknowwho or whatshisname
who plugs away so constantly for fame
they have to ask the waitress for a fork
to shovel up their sweet and sour pork,
while I, with chopsticks, can pick up a dime.
Their fortune reads, "You never waste your time."
You should post that somewhere

tungtied2u said:
surely my dear you misconstrue!

left holds bottle
right holds glass
from left to right
libations pass
by morning's light
I'm on my ass!!


I found the above poem truly amphibious ( love my new word, six more
posts and I'll know how to spell it) and an example of the truth not being
as deep as we sometimes think.

sandspike said:
I found the above poem truly amphibious ( love my new word, six more
posts and I'll know how to spell it) and an example of the truth not being
as deep as we sometimes think.

you and jimmie B...would know of these things... :eek: