I'm going to post a picture...

Can you suggest a good one? I'm horrid with titles and usually use one word (plus an a or the) to describe anything I write. :kiss:

My Buried Bride (sounds familiar to me, though)
let me have a think, Charley... not keen on your Buried Bride tbh, too in your face... i'm thinking along the lines of 'a letter from your secret admirer' or 'you know you want me...' *cringe* more the concept than the titles... thinking aloud - you don't know your own mind/i know you better than you think/i know you better than you know yourself/i'll huff and i'll puff and i'll break your door down? not these titles, but this core idea - creeperoonie stuff - I know who delivers your milk and when/You always turn your bedroom light off last/I see you look to see if I'm still there...

Originally Posted by CharleyH View Post
Stone cold you stop me.
You latch,
you bar your door,
but I know love, know
you love me.

Mortar shines a sign
of you,
me, meant to be
I will come, save you
I love you

Forever and ever.