I'm gone, with apologies

I am thinking of grand theft auto. Steal all the sos and the thats and souls and auto caps out of poetry.

I did write a blind spot poem for you, should pop up tomorrow. Not my best, but hopefully I will warm up soon. I have been writing education articles for a free parenting magazine. Interesting in its own way, but not poetry for sure....

we could always test it:rolleyes:

be worth burnin' the orbs on you:cool:

what i remember about you, is you knocked off Eliot as my fave.

I always remember.:rose::rose::rose:

Dead spots are dead center. The massive one to left, has been absorbed.
Even with blind spots, you are always an interesting contributor to this forum. I hope your vision recovers but in the meantime, know you are missed and still an inspiration. Best wishes, Dora.