I'm Gonna Beat You Like A Mail Order Bride

rosco rathbone said:
... I believe that the woman's place is to run the household. All else to take second place.

what say ye sir?
So ... wrapping the brain around this one ... We've become a part of the household, or we come after household duties?

Wait ... she can still clean the kitchen floor on hands and knees bare assed, correct?

i so love a good multi-tasker.
AngelicAssassin said:
So ... wrapping the brain around this one ... We've become a part of the household, or we come after household duties?

Wait ... she can still clean the kitchen floor on hands and knees bare assed, correct?

i so love a good multi-tasker.

You know what I mean. :mad:
rosco rathbone said:
You know what I mean. :mad:
ROFL ... so,
... or ...
rosco rathbone said:

I believe that the woman's place is to run the household....

Get me some smelling salts, I think he's come 'round to my ways.
AngelicAssassin said:
Was your intent to throat fuck, or ass ream them Gaston?

Uh oh... me thinks I've seen this movie before... only last time I was watching.... :eek:

Hmm, a sandwich, and we are in the kitchen -- it does have a certain symmetry to it....

And a couple of my favorite Doms. (Rosco can always close his eyes and pretend I'm Korean.):eek:
AngelicAssassin said:
So ... wrapping the brain around this one ... We've become a part of the household, or we come after household duties?

I've found if you're really good at the one, no one cares if you don't do so much of the other... in fact you may not have much Time for the other. :catgrin:

AngelicAssassin said:

Wait ... she can still clean the kitchen floor on hands and knees bare assed, correct?

i so love a good multi-tasker.

lol, nice maneuvering.
Don't You Move

"And it is absolutely NOT necessary for wives to move at all. For a women prevents and battles pregnancy if in her joy, she answers the man's lovemaking with her buttocks, and her soft breasts billow forward and back; for she diverts the ploughshare out of the furrow and makes the seed miss its mark. Whores practice such movements for their own reasons, to avoid conception and pregnancy, and also to make the lovemaking more enjoyable for men, which obviously isn't necessary for our wives."

-- Lucretius (60 B.C.)
Re: Don't You Move

Queen Bee said:
"And it is absolutely NOT necessary for wives to move at all. For a women prevents and battles pregnancy if in her joy, she answers the man's lovemaking with her buttocks, and her soft breasts billow forward and back; for she diverts the ploughshare out of the furrow and makes the seed miss its mark. Whores practice such movements for their own reasons, to avoid conception and pregnancy, and also to make the lovemaking more enjoyable for men, which obviously isn't necessary for our wives."

-- Lucretius (60 B.C.)


The classics, eh??!
Re: Re: Re: Don't You Move

AngelicAssassin said:
Careful, they'll accuse of us Neanderthalism next ...

Netzach said it best...we fetishize the former sexual arrangement. I like that definition.
I love "don't move " sex. I am the king of "Lie fucking still and take it, bitch". Who needs a bunch of thrashing around? It DOES remind me of whores and their antics. The receptacle is a receptacle.

Great book: Handmaids Tale
Another reason for the beating

Girls take time and money
Girls = time x money
Time = money
Girls = money x money
Girls = money²
Money = root of all evil
Girls = (root of all evil)²
Girls = evil
Re: Another reason for the beating

AngelicAssassin said:
Girls take time and money
Girls = time x money
Time = money
Girls = money x money
Girls = money2
Money = root of all evil
Girls = (root of all evil)2
Girls = evil

Jeez, dude, either you need to stop buying girls, need to find cheaper girls or, even better, need to substitute in the alternate version of the money equation:

The lack of money = the root of all evil

Or, the unequal distribution of money = the root of all evil.

Which, a few lines down, makes girls (er, women, if some of us must be picky, and we must) who Share, the solution to all evil. Cellis and Kajira, for instance, seem quite generous, and thus are curing the world of evil wherever they go.

Cellis and Kajira = Superpower Forces Against Evil Everywhere
rosco rathbone said:
I love "don't move " sex. I am the king of "Lie fucking still and take it, bitch". Who needs a bunch of thrashing around? It DOES remind me of whores and their antics. The receptacle is a receptacle.

Great book: Handmaids Tale

My dh is also king of that same style of empire.

Wondering -- maybe for a thread: there seem to be do-ee and doer Dom/mes and subs. For instance, the ones who want to be served, have the sub go down on them, say, while they lie back, and the ones who would rather actively use the subs face as a toy. If you are consistent across orifi, you would presumably fit in the latter category. Subs, too, likely have their preferences, to actively serve or be used.
what if they don't match? guess they either move on or the sub puts up with it, but to subs who want to actively serve get frustrated with you, or do you get annoyed with a sub who seems to have a natural bent toward active service, body adoration and the like?

This also reminds me of an old post by osg, in which she mentions one reason she doesn't like getting oral sex being because men do it to please. and she doesn't like to be pleased. Which brings up the conundrum of first of all, if he wants to say 'make her cum,' is that really trying to please her or himself. But more importantly for this topic I've brought up, my experience has been very unlike osg's, in that it was clear to me that the guy was going down to please himself. I know this has come up before, but it seems like a difference in inner motivation, which can be hard to tell, and an active/passive difference. Hmm, is being told, say, 'use me baby' a command, and what if you don't want to? Who is being dommed and who is domming? (Bet I just missed the thread that went into this last question, right?)
Re: Re: Another reason for the beating

Phoenix Stone said:
Jeez, dude, either you need to stop buying girls, need to find cheaper girls or, even better, need to substitute in the alternate version of the money equation:
Get out of my misogynist rant you unholy bitch from hell!

  • i haven't bought one in quite a while
  • i don't do cheap
  • and new math sux
Re: Another reason for the beating

AngelicAssassin said:
Girls take time and money
Girls = time x money
Time = money
Girls = money x money
Girls = money²
Money = root of all evil
Girls = (root of all evil)²
Girls = evil

I totally agree. I'm so evil I beat the boys AND take their lunch money and I don't put out.

It's terrible.
Re: Re: Another reason for the beating

Netzach said:
I totally agree. I'm so evil I beat the boys AND take their lunch money and I don't put out.

It's terrible.
Ahh, MJ for you ... a la PYT, and not meaning Pretty Young Thing ... more like Prick Yanking Torturer ...
I am not consistent across orifices. In the one hole I like to lie back. In 2 and 3 I am the active partner.
Re: Re: Re: Another reason for the beating

AngelicAssassin said:
Get out of my misogynist rant you unholy bitch from hell!

  • i haven't bought one in quite a while
  • i don't do cheap
  • and new math sux

Hah! I resemble that remark! (but only faintly.) To parse again:

Holy Bitch From Heck,
I'll accept, as epithetically correct (esp. as I just finished delivering a commentary on sections of Numbers and Zechariah, this weekend, and boy, am I pooped.)

Actually, to work the knot of your math problem again -- typically it's: Time OR money.

Yes, your rant was a wondrous thing to behold, but if you're gonna leave it sitting out where just anyone can wander by and take a whack at it.... Public property, my man. Unless ya put it on a shelf, ya gotta expect the kids to get at it.