I'm sick!

FungiUg said:
...or so someone on a New Zealand contacts site tells me.

Is this news? Should I be concerned? What would you proscribe? Do I need to be cured? Is it contagious?

Of course, I am devestated at this news. Utterly. :p

Ve have ze cure for your ills... ve believe it is a fungus.

Turn your head to ze left und cough.
FungiUg said:

lol sorry I couldn't resist... there was a doctor visit quite some time ago where my brother and I were examined at the same time.

I thought it was hilarious when the doctor had to examine his testicles with the coughing procedure... and my brother's reply to the humor I found in it was "yeah, well just wait... you're next"... he was a little too young to realize that I would not have the testicle examination!

<Back in role> Mmmm hmmm, and now to ze right.....
I don't remember having to cough for the doctor examining my testicals... how very odd. (Not the testicals, I have two of them, not odd at all.)

As for resisting... I knew you couldn't resist me forever, lark sparrow. Sooner or later you would flutter down to where I could snaffle you... :D
FungiUg said:
I don't remember having to cough for the doctor examining my testicals... how very odd. (Not the testicals, I have two of them, not odd at all.)

As for resisting... I knew you couldn't resist me forever, lark sparrow. Sooner or later you would flutter down to where I could snaffle you... :D

Ut oh... did I mention the doctor was a complete and utter perv? Just teasing. Perhaps you erased the coughing procedure from your memory!

Ve suggest bedrest.... and absolutely no tickling! Othervise ze condition could vorsen!
Vell... time vill tell.... ve hope it vill vorsen... but it could alvays get better. This sickness runs deep. ;)
FungiUg said:
Wonderful! Does this mean it will require... treatment?!!!

lol vell, you still haven't turned to ze left und coughed... must follow ze the doctor's orders for ze cure, no?
Okay, I turned to the left and coughed... but you know you have a mirror over there on the wall, right? And, er, why are you naked?
FungiUg said:
Okay, I turned to the left and coughed... but you know you have a mirror over there on the wall, right? And, er, why are you naked?

For ze comfort of ze patient, of course!
lark sparrow said:
For ze comfort of ze patient, of course!

But Herr Doctor, I do not feel comforted. I feel... deeply disturbed. Deeply. I have these evil and terrible desires sweeping through me... and my mind is full of images of you being forced to do perverse and unnatural things!
FungiUg said:
But Herr Doctor, I do not feel comforted. I feel... deeply disturbed. Deeply. I have these evil and terrible desires sweeping through me... and my mind is full of images of you being forced to do perverse and unnatural things!

Ze pervesity and unnatural desires... zay are ze natural outcome of zis sickness... ve still have ze cure... fear not! But ve must ride out zis perversity until ze fever has subsided... ve can vatch the walls shift and change..... in ze end ve shall............. overcome.
Herr Doctor... I don't know what came over me! Really I don't. I think I must have lost control... I didn't mean to force you down like that and spank you.

Well... perhaps I did. I did enjoy it. I hope you aren't hurt too much.

Or do I?

Herr Doctor, I'm so confused!
sounds like hot toddy time! it's what cures a soar throat

that is some whiskey, lemon juice, and honey

tastes vile, does good things for you
just don't drink to much
FungiUg said:
Herr Doctor... I don't know what came over me! Really I don't. I think I must have lost control... I didn't mean to force you down like that and spank you.

Well... perhaps I did. I did enjoy it. I hope you aren't hurt too much.

Or do I?

Herr Doctor, I'm so confused!

Ze hallucinations shall pass.... ;) Take ze two pills and call me in ze morning!

herr doctor