In the mood for...

Baking something wearing nothing but an apron like this and heels...


Want, want, want!! :eek:

Now I feel like something.

Baked. ;)
I know!!!
Am hoping if I drop enough hints, Mr Brit might manage to get me one for my birthday...or Christmas...or wedding anniversary...or because it's a Thursday...or whatever :D

I would go with the whatever :cool:

The joys of baking :D
Today it is this.................

I just wanted to say that the song links in your signature made me smile today. It's been forever since I heard Marty Robbins, and I sure miss him. Also, I never would have thought that Festus could sing like that. :eek: That's like Jim Nabors as Gomer Pyle coming out and singing in that beautiful voice he had. What a surprise! Somewhere out there, Mr Haney from Green Acres is warming up.... ;)