In the mood for...

Going back to Atlanta, even though I just got home, and even though I froze my butt off.

A couple of months ago, I had the strangest hankering for a root beer float….it was like a craving really, compelling me, until I finally caved….went to the store bought ice cream (I went with vanilla bean) and A&W Root Beer. Daaaaayum, it was sooooo good. If I'm not careful, I may need to sate that craving again soon.

(Note, before that, it had actually been years since I had one. Why? I do not know, but I will never be so cruel to myself again.)
It was actually kinda nice here today, except for the rain.

Until about 4, when the wind picked up and the temp dropped.

Figures it turns nice after I leave. It was 20 fecking degrees the day I left. Bah. Didn't even bother taking dresses with me.