Interesting Poem excercise

I'm truly hurt (actually I'm not) that you think I might not know this. However, I am dismayed that I stated it was Robert Frost straight up, and everybody seems to have missed it. The point was how do you look at a poem and what is the relationship to the name attached and are you reacting to things outside the line(s) drawn. You seem to have been more interested in whether it was plagiarized. i.e. by me.
BTW Tod, I googled this (after I posted it) looking for a scansion of this. There is a lot on the Internet regarding this poem. It is worth trying frost and sense of sound, or pursuing the links in the friends of frost. Worth also his "Strict Iambics" and "Loose Iambics" rif.

Nope. You did not say it "straight up." You said this:

Robert Frost, and this kind of stuff probably started his career, but that is history folks. (let's heave the penti)

and it was down near the bottom of a rambling post, so why you think everyone should have immediately picked up on it is unclear to me. Maybe a few (not all as you are suggesting) missed it because you were unclear. Ever think of that?

Also why ever are you suggesting UYS accused you of plagiarizing? Exactly where does she do that? I seem to have missed it.
I'm truly hurt (actually I'm not) that you think I might not know this. However, I am dismayed that I stated it was Robert Frost straight up, and everybody seems to have missed it. The point was how do you look at a poem and what is the relationship to the name attached and are you reacting to things outside the line(s) drawn. You seem to have been more interested in whether it was plagiarized. i.e. by me.
BTW Tod, I googled this (after I posted it) looking for a scansion of this. There is a lot on the Internet regarding this poem. It is worth trying frost and sense of sound, or pursuing the links in the friends of frost. Worth also his "Strict Iambics" and "Loose Iambics" rif.

What is it with you that you feel the need to pick fights all the time?!! It's not normal and must be very hard on your digestion. I never accused you of plagiarism as I knew who had written it and realised that you were using it as an example, your paranoia knows no bounds it seems
What is it with you that you feel the need to pick fights all the time?!! It's not normal and must be very hard on your digestion. I never accused you of plagiarism as I knew who had written it and realised that you were using it as an example, your paranoia knows no bounds it seems
heh, heh, really?

you know you've been marked when someone else knows how many poems you have, and you don't.

So what did You think of ole'frosty anyway? Bastard did a number on the Old Meter didn't he? While you're at it, check out TIMOTHY STEELE over in the other thread.
Same drill, if this was over in New Poems, how would you react? (I did not write it,) Would you consider it differently if by a newb, or a name from here, would you see it for what it was?

"next to of course god america i
love you land of the pilgrims' and so forth oh
say can you see by the dawn's early my
country 'tis of centuries come and go
and are no more what of it we should worry
in every language even deafanddumb
thy sons acclaim your glorious name by gorry
by jingo by gee by gosh by gum
why talk of beauty what could be more beaut-
iful than these heroic happy dead
who rushed like lions to the roaring slaughter
they did not stop to think they died instead
then shall the voice of liberty be mute?"

He spoke. And drank rapidly a glass of water
Same drill, if this was over in New Poems, how would you react? (I did not write it,) Would you consider it differently if by a newb, or a name from here, would you see it for what it was?

"next to of course god america i
love you land of the pilgrims' and so forth oh
say can you see by the dawn's early my
country 'tis of centuries come and go
and are no more what of it we should worry
in every language even deafanddumb
thy sons acclaim your glorious name by gorry
by jingo by gee by gosh by gum
why talk of beauty what could be more beaut-
iful than these heroic happy dead
who rushed like lions to the roaring slaughter
they did not stop to think they died instead
then shall the voice of liberty be mute?"

He spoke. And drank rapidly a glass of water
To take you at your word ("if this was over in New Poems, how would you react?"), the answer is simple. I would love it. As I did when I first read it 42 years ago when I discovered E. E. Cummings and read his is 5.

What I did not recognize at 18 was that it was a sonnet (and probably could not have recognized it as such, as I didn't know what a sonnet was).

So what's your point?

And where do you place the volta, if there is one?
To take you at your word ("if this was over in New Poems, how would you react?"), the answer is simple. I would love it. As I did when I first read it 42 years ago when I discovered E. E. Cummings and read his is 5.

What I did not recognize at 18 was that it was a sonnet (and probably could not have recognized it as such, as I didn't know what a sonnet was).

So what's your point?

And where do you place the volta, if there is one?

by jingo by gee by gosh by gum
right where is it expected
why talk of beauty....

as for the point, I guess I had a few, one being; most people wouldn't know poetry if it came up and bit 'em on the ass, excuse the cliche, that was code shifting, i.e. talking to people on their own level.

This poem is not "poetic looking", despite the fact it does everything the writer wants and does it extremely well, largely an audience failure.

42 years ago...o god, I'm such a late bloomer
by jingo by gee by gosh by gum
right where is it expected
why talk of beauty....

as for the point, I guess I had a few, one being; most people wouldn't know poetry if it came up and bit 'em on the ass, excuse the cliche, that was code shifting, i.e. talking to people on their own level.

This poem is not "poetic looking", despite the fact it does everything the writer wants and does it extremely well, largely an audience failure.

42 years ago...o god, I'm such a late bloomer
Well, e.e. was the man who launched visual poetry. White space as important as words, words more important than punctuation. He was a man who demanded his reader do the work to make it "poetic".
by jingo by gee by gosh by gum
right where is it expected
why talk of beauty....

as for the point, I guess I had a few, one being; most people wouldn't know poetry if it came up and bit 'em on the ass, excuse the cliche, that was code shifting, i.e. talking to people on their own level.

This poem is not "poetic looking", despite the fact it does everything the writer wants and does it extremely well, largely an audience failure.

42 years ago...o god, I'm such a late bloomer
OK, if this poem is not "poetic looking," why did I latch onto it at age 18?

Because I do remember this particular poem and that I especially liked it.

I did not know shit about poetry at that age.
