International Poetry Writing Month - November Poems ONLY

5. Clean Green

is the lichen that leads
the way south
through a moss shrouded
forest, as scattered layers
of need are carved
into the water-rings
of thrown stones. Slime
moulds the rocky edge
of the forest pool
and the sharp shunted
growth of ignorance re-appears
at daybreak as excavators
continue clearing the land.
Novmber 4th

Still Useful

as I struggled to find
two cats met
below my window
to fight or make noisy love
I couldn't know.
They spat and yowled until,
in desperation,
I threw a book
and hit the window.
In the silence
when I picked it up
I saw I’d used
Old Yeller
Still useful after all these years.
If the rains came,
The Mouth at Jenner opened
And muddied the early November river-

Releasing the migrating Ironheads-
Spawning from whence they came
After rainbow summers at sea
Grandpa sensed the shadows
Of the tree
Took me
"look" he said
above the summer dam
we watched them leap.

Cheeseclothe and Salmon roe,
Tied on just so
Into the homeade boat we would go-

As the river cleared
Thanksgiving days
Trolling for the Ironjaws
Elusive as memories
he left in my heart-

When the muddy river cleared
Novembers chill
Dawns under timberhills of Sequioa and Douglas fir-
Nine miles upriver
From his ocean-

Sailing with the man
Sleeping with the sea.
The mouth opened
And he went there to be.
The Shield

(The Badge of Courage)

The Shield doesn't stop a bullet
or wrestle an angry man
when it is bone against bone
it is not justice that groans

who is cast into the dark
shadowed crevices of our society
and expected to up hold justice
and defend rightiousness

those that wear the shield
the badge of courage

when someone takes
'the law into their own hands'
they hold a woman or man
wearing a badge

when things get out of hand
you call, "The Man."
the soldiers of the suburbs
who protect and serve

the cold hard facts
officers are lost daily
in the line of duty
out in the field

behind a small badge
called ...

The Shield

......( #5 )......​
Nov. 4

yes they are right it is all the same
except this time she paints in silver and red

today he shows the stain
and the mark of the chair
she wonders:
how did you wind up here
twenty seven cats and vinyl laundry bags
their floral patterns hanging off door handles
these door handles screwed into paneled wood

these rings do not count years
an artists hand sketched the history of a tree
that never existed
unlike the ones out there
out in your back yard where they had to cut down
a path for the new sewer line

they did

silver paint is chipping from her silver rings
why paint silver silver
help me understand

she wonders

and how did you get here
from artist in residence
to the Hollywood scene
back down to the river
seven hounds howl
and scare away any potential trick or treaters

except the little collie
she shits and pisses on the covers of your bed
everytime one of her seizures comes on

you do laundry constantly
she looks on
and unravels the silver braid
wondering, how did you get here?
calculating which prescriptions
to fill this month
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6. Parched shell

I hear you now, clearly
no longer do you whisper sweet nothings
in my my ear. And the trees! The trees
fair they shout! to the world! The world
they cherish and give their very essence
to raise. In their nurturing boughs
they hold life of itself, the tiny nests
of birds who will one day fly
and land on your lawn to steal
the worms that help heal your scarred
earth. The earth upon which you built
your bricks and mortar building,
and the garden that sucks what little
nutrients are available from the four inch
top-soil and dries the rest into a hard
cracked shell of its former self.

it took the rain
to bind this persistent fog,
turn a twelwe hour milky white enigma
into memory mist

just as streetlights hummed orange
to glow down below,
islands, radiation fields of marvel,

it took the rain
to wake this fading day
from forgetful embrace,
a stillness easily confused
with serene bliss

just minutes before
dusk put it back
in oblivion

it happens rarely,
but this time
it only took
the rain
Star Seeds

they stood at the edge of a field
watching with eyes as wide as pop tops
into the night
that was as dark as a witches heart

"When do you think they'll Hatch?"

"Seeds don't hatch, they grow." another corrected.

Star seeds were tossed into this field
six months ago
the first week in June
they are suppose to show

"I knew this couldn't be so."

"Give it time." another said just as disappointed.

"No, I knew it was stupid to believe that stars could be grown." they replied.

The small group stood watching the dark get darker
then it happened
a small light arose from the earth
like a tiny star it flew up and away.

"Woohoo, did you see that?"

"Damn right I did, a star was born."

"Yep, went straight to the heavens."

Then another arose
then another
before long it became appearant that stars were hatching
but they seemed a lot like...

fire flies!

.............( #6 )..............

(this idea arose <grin> from the story I am currently working on <smile>)
November 5th

just an echo

I heard you again today
driving south
"I want a lover with an easy touch"
and you were there beside me
I found myself wanting you
as if twenty five years hadn't passed
between us like a fast horse
and a cold beer
so strange to feel myself quicken
my heart to race just for a bit
after being still so long
after being gone so long
but thats it, isn't it?
still gone​
I delight in the sight of her
As Sol the agent of the turning
Drops behind tough ass trees
I get weak in my knees
Jet black sky hair with
Venus alone
But it aint cold
As she darkens my door
Folk music post meridian move
Who else but you.

nov 5
the night is alive
eagleyez said:
I delight in the sight of her
As Sol the agent of the turning
Drops behind tough ass trees
I get weak in my knees
Jet black sky hair with
Venus alone
But it aint cold
As she darkens my door
Folk music post meridian move
Who else but you.

nov 5
the night is alive


I was just about to post that lyric for you.

November 6th

Liars Lament

If by chance we meet again
.............please walk away
.............don't try to say
it's different now than when

you made a choice you had to make
.............please walk away
.............don't try to say
that moonlight gleaming on the lake

let you look into my eyes
and tell me all those lies;
could cause the pain I felt
could cause the skies to bleed

and change forever what we were
.............please walk away
.............don't try to say
You'd rather me than her

I'm married now and so
.............please walk away
.............don't try to say
I really need to go now

let me look into your eyes
and tell you that the lies
I whispered soft to you
caused the skies to bleed

I changed forever what we were
.............please walk away
.............don't try to say
I sent you running back to her
.............please walk away
.............please try to see
and now thats how it always has to be​

Someone here once said that if a poem had to be explained then it wasn't well written. I prefer not to explain mine because the reactions I sometimes get are so far from what I had in mind (and so much loftier!) that I am amazed.

But this is different. It's a lyric, obviously. I've been hearing it bouncing down the mountains to me for awhile, but it took a while to be born.

First of all, it's a waltz. A country waltz but slow and dreamy- not bouncy like Miss Scarlett. I hear it sung by a couple, I think. Because it is 2 sides to the same event. But the chorus is a two or more harmony in the round, and it's heard in the back ground as the main lines are sung. It's in the style of the later bluegrass singers in that there's no twang and washboards to it, but it is definitely mountain born. Those of you not familiar with bluegrass may not hear what I mean. I wouldn't mind hearing feedback on this, if anyone cared to.

and the title is only a file title. I know... :confused:
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In the time it takes to 'snap' a pair of fingers
is how fast reality can come flooding into focus

like the snapping jaws of an alligator
for an instant meal
or the uncoiling of a rattler that quit rattlin'
striking fast as lightening

the head can snap back in an instant
like when you said you didn't love me anymore
or the quick soul stabbing sound of the slamming door
I caught my snap and you didn't come back

a swinging hammer hits a thumb
or a bare foot toe kisses the coffee table hard
the near miss in an automoble moment
or a glance in the mirror and realize you need to comb it

we catch our wits in a snap back to reality attack
fast as two fingers click together "Snap"

..........................( #7 ) ..............................
7. Nomad

Fishnets and fireworks do they go hand in hand?
Will anyone notice if the splatter of sparks
melts holes in my stockings?
Will the dude with the low hangin' drawers
turn his back as my mind recoils from the hot pain?
Or will he watch as he hides behind the shrubs
and sends his seed splaying back to the earth
that gave him his wanderlust urge?

So rebel, vigilante by default,
a ray of justice landed on your chest,
a golden holy essence to exalt,
conquistador conscripted to your crest.

Remember rebel, you who wield the blade,
you cut the air your children need to breathe.
There is, for every paladin dismayed,
a time to charge, another time to sheathe.

When every nom de guerre is cast aside,
escateons burned and aching ashes spread,
will faith and hallowed history collide
or weave a web for troubled days ahead?

So rebel, yield before it is too late.
This steel will speak until you expiate.
November 5th

In simpler times
a terrorist's deed could
change history
only to be remembered
with an effigy burning
in the new November dark
punctuated by Roman candles
and bursting bottle rockets
for his pain.
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fair thee well,
oh memory year
busted heart in
both directions
like doom and delight
simultaneous as the
chord strikes 11
take me home
on a slow go banjo
note bleeding slow
before the snows
lock the land
before I go

fair thee well
oh day of rememberance
clocks turn to 12
and then the one,

the one breathes
unpromised but
drums the slow
rythm of chance
and its good enough
to let the light go
and dance.

fair thee well
its all that
I can do.
November 6th
# 7

November Haiku

all thought has gone astray
migrating; summer cut and ran
took my tan, my head, my me

Nov 5: Pesto

I had never seen the word before last year,
maybe the year before:

Adiago cheese,
suddenly your meaning bubbled over
the surface of our menus
that were apparently incomplete
all these years.

Ten, fifteen years ago
it was sundried tomatoes and
roasted peppers that spilled east--
oh California!
How thick grow your artichokes
along the coast drive!

No one told me my childhood was lacking taste
or goat cheese.

I dip the panne in the extra virgin
sample with the newest herb blend
and wonder
what I am living without today
that I simply cannot
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Nov 5,6

a list
of ten things to do
instead of a poem in my journal today
"get a lawyer"
does not need to be added

I asked the poet
is it okay to not be poetic
and eighteen leaves fell
I took that as a yes

five wagons filled with hickory nuts
they told me
its like your life was all in the getting ready

five wagons of hickory nuts
they tell me
people like me
get children like him
for a reason

they tell me
I could never do it
I could never do it

as if anyone can

we filled five wagons full
of hickory nuts today
we used two hands
we used one shovel

I am not a hero
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8. the sounds of spring

Lavender and frangipani shroud the garden
seat and me as I listen. A lark covets
the sky, a child cries and the wind whoops
through the trees. But best of all
the tui sings, calling
its mate from far a-field
and there’s poignant beauty
in his song, a gift
especially for me on this special day
this longed-for day
where sound is new
and the season of Spring weaves
its way through the garden. I am concealed
on the seat while my pen glides
over the paper. The blank page is no more
as the ink draws music from the sheets.
Bees don’t mumble,
they growl and grumble
and the blackbird hisses
as it spits a foul worm
from its bright orange beak.
And today is special,
every day will be special
as the gift of nature’s music
plays like the sensuous sounds
of a sax caressing my mind.

November 6 and 7th

The days run
one into the other
like those finger paintings
on the 'fridge
and I'm jealous of
WildSweetOne who listens
to the tui sing
with spring bending
to summer
while I brace myself
for snow and worse.
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They killed ole Betsy yesterday

Betsy like to bask in the sun
she was very very old
and didn't hardly run...

...any more!

a solid part of our community
I waved at her almost, daily

till this morning
she wasn't there
I didn't fret
cause I have missed her
a few times this year

till I saw Mrs. Johnson
wearing a string of tears

"They killed ole Betsy yesterday"
she exclaimed
wobbling in her old and frail frame

I saw red
anger over took me
"Who killed her!"
I began questioning

Some hunters
come up from the big city
for the weekend
the opening of hunting season

It was mid afternoon
three city slickers were joy riding
they came around the bend
saw ole Betsy and shot her dead

They went to town bragging
that they had done a great deed
some one called the police, instantly

they were not arrested
they were given a fine in a ticket
and their guns taken away
they won't be allowed to hunt
for 3 years, they say!

It really just jerks my chain
those who can not refrain
when a gun is put in their hand
shooting every thing on water or land

including ole betsy
the 11 foot 'local' alligator
that kept to her self
most of the time

I use to toss her chickens
whole chickens
swallowed in one gulp
she would wink a thank you
yes, she was old and`
didn't have many teeth left anyway

but, they killed ole Betsy Yesterday​

....................( #8 ).................